Mike “The Kike” Enoch Finally Comes Clean, Releasing His 23andMe Results – No Surprises Here!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 11, 2017

Mike Enoch: Jew confirmed.

I have long been a strong believer in the “Freudian Slip” theory about Mike Enoch. That is, that some sliced-up clips of him talking proved, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that he himself was secretly admitting for some reason that he is a Jew – even while he continually denied that he was a Jew.

However, this sliced up audio was, in my opinion, incontrovertible proof. Because why else would a person who has recorded hundreds of hours of audio make a weird statement that maybe if you cut it up and take it out of context could indicate that he is secretly – through the established hard science of Freudian psychoanalysis – admitting that he is a Jew.

As bulletproof as the Freudian slip theory was, in order to bury this story once and for all we needed hard proof.

And now – we’ve got it.

A leaked copy of Mike Enoch’s – or should I say “Kike” Enoch’s – 23andMe.

Note: His real name is Mike Peinovich.

There you have it, folks.

It simply does not get any more Jewish than that.

What Does It Mean?

Well, as we all know, Mike Enoch is in the top 5 people alive who has woken people up to the Jewish problem.

So what does that mean?

Well, clearly it means that waking people up to the Jewish problem is part of the Jewish plan. Because this will allow them to take us to FEMA camps, because also Donald Trump is working for the Jews and that is part of their plan also. So the Jews really want us to know about them, which is why they put their Jew agents like Enoch out there to tell us the unadulterated truth about the Jewish problem.


Oh but of course.

But what do you expect from the Jews?

The Solution?

The solution is to stop talking about the Jews. We need to stop making people aware of the Jewish problem, and those of us who already know need to try and forget everything that we know about the Jews. That is really the only way we are ever going to hope to defeat them – by pretending that they aren’t a problem, and by helping them to cover up their crimes.

It really is that simple, which is why radio programs such as The Daily Shoah are so destructive – they let people know about the behavior of the Jews.

It’s time to shut it all down, and pretend that none of this is happening at all.

Wait But Seriously Though

Mike Enoch did just release his 23andMe and it shows that he isn’t Jewish.

I was also mad at the way the whole situation was dealt with when it was revealed that Enoch had a Jewish wife.

The actual Jewish wife itself didn’t really bother me that much. I more felt bad for him than anything else. He got married like, over a decade before he was aware of the Jewish issue. Yes, it is somewhat offensive that he didn’t come right out with it at some point, and it was a lie by omission, but I understand as a human being that other human beings are human beings and that shit like that is complicated.

However, the way it was handled very much got under my skin. I made that clear at the time, and I’m not walking that back. I was pissed off.

That said, Mike has done a whole helluva lot to redeem himself after that particular fuck-up. In the time since the whole doxing kike wife debacle, he has continued to produce one of the best shows in the Alt-Right, and in that time, who knows how many tens of thousands of people he’s brought on board with our agenda.

He’s also been making the rounds at real life events, giving great speeches. Basically, the guy has devoted his life to the cause. And basically, at this point, if people want to whine about that, I view them as subversives.

The fact of the matter is, however hurt your feelings may be, you have a right to keep those feelings hurt, and you have a right to not trust Enoch. No one is going to hold hurt feelings against you. That is your right.

Attacking him and trying to destroy him is something altogether different.

But you do have a right to keep whining about him. You have all kinds of rights. This is freedom. But you do not have a right to keep whining about him while claiming that you care about this movement and what we are trying to accomplish, because by whining about him, you are hurting the movement, period.

There is no argument that can be made that this man is doing anything other than good for our movement.

I have listened to all of the haters, I have given them a very fair hearing, and all I have gotten in return was emotionalism.

If you are just so hardcore that you can’t take being a part of anything that is popular, then I’d advise you to join a goth rock band.

The Alt-Right is a political movement with the goal of overtaking the government and becoming the establishment. That is, our goal is to become mainstream. Not to remain some fringe group that you can feel special and unique because you are a part of.

So I’m personally done with all of this drama. I’m announcing that officially right now.

After this DNA test, I am now comfortable standing with Mike Enoch 100%.

I look forward to being on his show soon, and finishing up healing this wound in our movement that this whole mess caused. And yes, he did cause that mess, mostly. But we are people. You are a person. You have fucked up. I have fucked up. This is the way human life works. People fuck things up. Then, if they are good men, they do their best to make up for those fuck ups. And Mike has done a pretty damned good job making up for his fuck ups.

So as for me, I just want to end with this: I’ve just downloaded a copy of a fully HD version of Alien: Covenant with some annoying hard subs in Korean, and I’m interested to find out if this really is as faggoty and as absurdly retconned as I’ve heard it is. I want to note that in Nigeria, where I live, it is perfectly legal to download copyrighted Hollywood films without paying for them (unless they were created in Nigeria or by the United Nations, which is not the case with Alien:Covenant).

This shit is high-def as all living fuck. But it does have not only hard gook subs but random gook ads every few minutes.

But yo – this movie has Kenny Powers.

Hail Victory.