Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2015
Mike Tyson has come out and condemned Obama’s obsession with promoting Black people, and endorse Donald Trump, saying America has had enough race-baiting.
“Let’s try something new. Let’s run America like a business, where no colors matter. Whoever can do the job, gets the job,” Tyson said.
As I have said before, most Blacks if you sat them down one-on-one would not really feel very strongly about any of the race revolution material mulattoes like Obama and Holder have promoted. The rioting is mainly just because they are so easily agitated by the Jewish media, and moreover just like to riot. Most Blacks would are not bothered by the idea that there are no Blacks working in Silicon Valley.
Tyson is probably sharper than most Blacks, and sees – or rather senses – that Obama is sinking the ship.
Trump also appeals to Blacks because he is masculine, and they are, being primitive, naturally drawn to that. Not to mention his anti-Mexican policy is going to be automatically popular with them.
I doubt that very many Blacks will vote against Trump if he gets the nomination. Maybe a lot of them won’t bother voting at all, but I just can’t picture these people going in and voting for Bernie or Hillary if Trump is on the ballot.