Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2015

There is an anti-German sentiment across Europe due to the role the country’s elite has played in this horrible EU debacle. The reality is that the German people are just as oppressed by this system as the rest of Europeans, despite the wealth and power of the nation.
The German working man is literally going hungry to pay for diversity and Jews.
About 3.1 million wage and salary earners in Germany had an income below the poverty threshold, according to Saturday’s edition of the Saarbrücker Zeitung newspaper.
The paper cited an overview from Germany’s Federal Statistical Office showing the most recent available data, which covered the year 2013. It also showed the numbers of workers struggling to make ends meet jumped from about 2.5 million in 2008 – an increase of 25 percent in five years.
Data, based on household surveys, showed that those living on low wages were cutting back on food and heating, among other things, to save money. According to a special analysis by the statisticians, in 2013 some 538,000 low-wage workers were eating a full meal only every second day in an effort to save money on food. About 417,000 were going without adequate heating and almost 380,000 people could not afford to pay their rent on time.
Every second low wage worker, some 1.5 million Germans, would not be able to pay for a one-week holiday per year outside their own four walls. About 600,000 workers were forgoing having their own car because they could not afford it.
Note that Germans have the stiffest upper lips of any group of people in the world, and I have to assume a huge portion would lie about not heating their home and not eating as they would view it as whining to admit to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the real numbers are double those reported.
Meanwhile, the tax dollars (tax euros, though that doesn’t sound right, does it?) are being used to fuel the biggest migration in human history, which is that flood of subhuman Moslems and African apes into Europe. It is not cheap to bring millions of people into your country and then pay to house, clothe, feed and educate them. Oh, and pay for their health care, of course. But, you know, German working people just has to man-up and deal with it, because if they were not freezing and starving, there is simply no way they would be able to maintain this level of vibrant diversity.

In 2014, Germany was the number one destination for “asylum seekers” in Europe, number two in the world next to the Jewnited Snakes. In 2015, the number is expected to double, again.
Oh, and they are still paying back the Jews for the hard work they did in the work camps of Germany, which weren’t actually even war camps but lampshade factories.

What German people need to remember is that they must give their lives for Islam because Adolf Hitler gassed exactly sixty trillion Jews and then made them into lampshades. What’s more, he shaved their heads and then used the hair to make mattresses for blonde-haired German women.
People might think it is harsh that the Germans are being forced to freeze and starve in order to pay to have their population forcibly replaced by hostile foreign peoples, but the logic of Merkel and her Jews simply cannot be debunked: if you turn trillions of innocent Christ-killing Jews into lampshades on purpose for no reason, your grandchildren must then go hungry and cold in order to pay for free everything for millions of Moslems.
It is just that simple.