MILO on Tucker Carlson

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2017

In MILO’s first interview after the Berkeley riots, he spoke to Tucker Carlson about what went down.

The interview is not particularly good. It seems that feeling he’s close to real fame, he’s doing away with much of his “provocateur” methodology. He makes a point – more than once – to explain that he isn’t a white supremacist and blah blah blah.

Tucker introduces him as a Jewish homosexual, which is funny af. Best part of the whole clip, in point of fact.

I’m happy to say that MILO is now in a space where he is no longer a threat to our movement. He has excused himself from the category of “Alt-Right” following our successful operation to make the Alt-Right definitively about white identity politics and the creation of a white nationalist state.

He’s now moving into the mainstream, where he can do no harm to the real Alt-Right.

It is a good idea to now reflect on what exactly he was trying to do to us. Basically, he is a spineless shape-shifter, who will latch-on to any political or social movement which is gaining traction and try to use it to promote himself into celebrity. He did this with gamergate, even though he himself did not play games, and when he saw the energy behind the Alt-Right, he tried to pull the same trick on us.

But no dice.

This is the same thing that the others are trying to do – Gavin McInnes, Paul Joseph Watson, Mike Thernovich, etc. And they all failed and are now drifting toward the mainstream. And it’s easy for them to drift to the mainstream, given Trump, but it will be impossible for them to remain edgy in the mainstream with their current positions.

I also don’t really think any of them have the ability to be mainstream figures, except for MILO. That is to say: McInnes went too goofy, sticking a dildo up his ass on TV, Thernovich just doesn’t have the presence or charisma to be entertaining and Watson doesn’t have much of anything at all going on.

McInnes will probably quit eventually, as I don’t think being a hated YouTube personality is really worth whatever money he’s getting out of it, given that he’s already got millions from VICE. Therovich is probably going to have to drop politics and go back into self-help type stuff, as he is trying to maintain a brand that is unsustainable in an environment of political revolution. Watson will keep droning on on his YouTube channel, as he’s a low-talent individual already punching above his weight.

But MILO, if he can keep from being indicted for some major crime, is going to get a show on Fox eventually. I think he might even be able to run for Mayor of San Francisco. He is a clever enough guy, a good enough entertainer, and savvy enough to get leftists to promote him by rioting against him.

It will be interesting to see what’s in his book. He obviously didn’t write it (he’s admitted that he doesn’t write much or any of his own material), but I think whoever did write it probably has a pretty good idea about where the forces behind this new conservative media are planning to take it.

I’m not going to buy the book, but if he wants to send me a reviewer’s copy, I’ll write a review.

I’m also not going to request a copy from him, but he reads everything on this site about him – so MILO, here’s the address.

Andrew Anglin
PO Box 208
Worthington, Ohio

It’s a big weight off my shoulders to have this guy out of the picture.

And if he can keep these antifa rioting, then he will actually be useful to us.

All of these guys are going to go where they’re going to go, and we, the Alt-Right, will be here, doing what we’ve always done: working to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.