Minnesota: Another Staged Hate Crime? Jigaboo Family Flee Home After Receiving a Threatening Letter

Daily Stormer
March 18, 2017



Another staged hate crime to make white people and Trump-supporters look bad.

Daily Mail:

An African American family say they feel forced to flee their own home in a small Minnesota town after they were targeted with racist graffiti.

Latanza Douglas and her three foster children returned home on Sunday to find someone had broken in and scrawled abusive and hateful messages all over the walls.

The words ‘Get out‘ were spray painted on the outside of the Delano property, while the inside was adorned with swastikas and the n-word.

This was supposed to be the last time we were going to move,‘ Douglas told CBS Minnesota. ‘If it was a burglary, that’s one thing. It happens everywhere. But when you have people judging you for other reasons that you can’t do anything about, that makes it even harder.

A threatening note was also left at the property that warned: ‘Next time it’s going to be fire.

The racist vandals also ransacked the families belongings during the break-in and spray painted their televisions, a new couch and family photos.

The home was supposed to be a new start for Douglas and her three foster kids who only moved in last December.

What makes me jump to this being staged is that it involves your typical poorly drawn swastika:

A Nazi breaking into a nignog’s home would graffiti a swastika better than that

(((They))) love pushing that whites can’t draw swastikas, but this is simply not true.

That swastika looks like it was drawn by a black thug.

Naresh Uppal, who runs Advanced Home Inc., also seemed shaken by the mindless vandalism.

He said he had spent months building the perfect home for the family only for the thugs to destroy it.

‘(Get Out), that was the one that hurt the most because you never want anyone to feel unwelcome.’

He is now buying the home back from the Douglas family – which will leave him tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket – and has started a GoFundMe campaign to help couple move into a new home.

Of course there’s a fundraiser!

I was confused because the news article said she came home with her three foster children, but the GoFundMe says she has two foster children.

And who has ever needed twenty-five thousand dollars to fund the cost of moving?

That moving van must have pure gold tires

From the GoFundMe:

Funds raised by this campaign will be used to alleviate cost associated with moving as the family no longer feels safe in their home.

Costs include moving, closing costs of this home and their next home, insurance deductibles, and purchasing new personal items that were damaged by the vandalism.

Twenty-five thousand seems like a lot to me, especially since according to the GoFundMe page, the buyer bought the house back from them:

…the buyer was kind enough to agree to purchase the home back from the homeowners…

And where is the proof that so many expensive items were stolen from them?

Here’s your only proof:

‘Quick Jerome, mess the room up. The news man will be here!’

And because this porch money said it happened:

She looks like someone who wouldn’t lie

If you scroll down and read the Daily Mail comments, you’ll see people blaming this or suggesting that Trump supporters did this, and that’s exactly the purpose of staging these types of crimes.

They do it to create a hatred for whites and paint them as scary racists.

It’s rather pathetic really.

Don’t pay attention to me goy, think of the scared foster niglets!