Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
August 8, 2014

The Minnesota Department of Education reported that almost 30% of state’s students are non-White, however 3.5% of Minnesota’s public school teachers are non-White
This is because non-White people are much less interested in becoming teachers, and many do not have the qualifications to become teachers.
“Fewer minorities go on to higher education than white students — and even fewer get a degree in education. Meanwhile, some teachers with culturally diverse backgrounds from other states are deterred by Minnesota’s strict teacher licensing standards.” the says.
Abdullah Kiatamba, the executive director of ‘African Immigrant Services’ visited the Osseo Public School District office with a group of parents, complaining that there are too many White teachers in Osseo’s schools.
“You have 51 percent students of color and less than 5 percent staff of color,” Kiatamba said. “We want to see a full representation that allows students to see that the classroom is more welcoming and that those who stand in front of the classroom look like them.”
Former Minneapolis Mayor Rybak said “It is backed by data: having a teacher of color helps a kid of color achieve better.”
Minneapolis school officials are now working with Minnesota schools to create a program which aims to encourage non-White teachers aides get into teaching.
Most anti-Whites used to say that race doesn’t exist and doesn’t matter, but now that White people are becoming the minority they don’t have to pretend this isn’t about race anymore.
The anti-Whites who have thought about what they do, know that their entire argument is that White people cannot have White countries, but non-White people can have countries exclusively for them.
They say they are anti-racist, but that’s just a codeword for anti-White.
Simply put, “diversity”, “multiculturalism”, and “mixing the races” is only really demanded in White countries by anti-Whites. They use a lot of words, but what all their words mean is: no White majority anywhere.