Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 4, 2015

This is a serious lol.
A Mississippi school superintendent has pressed charges of disturbing the peace against several people who cheered during a recent high school graduation despite being asked to hold their celebrating until the end.
Jay Foster, superintendent for the Senatobia Municipal School District, said he told spectators at the Senatobia High School graduation last month not to applaud for family members until all graduates’ names had been called in order to keep the ceremony dignified.
“We didn’t tell them they couldn’t cheer. We just asked them to wait until the end so everyone has an opportunity to hear their graduate’s name,” he said on Wednesday.
Four people did not comply and were asked to leave, Foster said. The superintendent later went to the police to pursue charges against the three people he has been able to identify so far.
I am slightly shocked by this story. One would think just about everyone is completely on edge when dealing with Blacks these days.

Someone already put a memo on Talking Points accusing Foster of racism.
Best part comes now –
Ursula Miller, one of the four Blacks wanted for engaging in these Black actions, was interviewed about the situation.
“I can understand they can escort me out of the graduation but to say they are going to put me in jail for it,” she told WREG television station. “What else are they allowed to do?”
Hahahaha! Watch it!
“What else are they allowed to do?” is the question of the now!
It works in every situation!
Obama passes executive order legalizing 15 million Mexicans while 87% of the population is against it – what else are they allowed to do?
Media attacks everyone who refuses to celebrate Bruce Jenner as a hero – what else are they allowed to do?
Lindsay Graham is running for President – what else are they allowed to do?
Alex Jones stages #BlackLivesMatter protest – what else are they allowed to do?
Children’s television network marketing cuckolding to pre-teens – what else are they allowed to do?
Merkel forces all European countries to accept tens of thousands of Africans – what else are they allowed to do?
Supergirl is in love with Negroid Jimmy Olsen – what else are they allowed to do?
It’s official now: the new catchall catchphrase is:
What else are they allowed to do?