Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 12, 2014

Mug Shots bar in St. Joseph, Missouri has been having a bit of fun with their drinks menu, by offering a “Michael Brown Special” which consists of 6 shots of Jose Cuervo Cinge for the low, low price of $10.
The bar owner claims he saw it somewhere else and thought it would be a good idea, however it had been a customer that had put the sign up for a joke and not the bar owner.
Seeing that the sign at the other bar appeared to be getting a lot of publicity, Mug Shots bar owner thought he would do the same.

Rodney Stapleton, a co-owner of the bar said of the situation:
I took it off of Facebook. People were passing the sign around Facebook and it looked like it was getting a good response, so I just decided to use it here. That’s what bar owners do. If they find out something works in another bar, they try to use it at their bar. Apparently I shouldn’t have used it. I should have thought about it a little more before I made it a shot special.
The bar owner has been poking fun at the rioting protesters with memes on Facebook since the start of the chimp-out and is hoping to increase his customer-base by doing so.