Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2015

Blacks have now taken to holding universities for ransom, demanding that their absurd demands be met.
It is clear that the Whites in charge don’t understand that there is no finality to Blacks demanding things.
Just hours after the president of the University of Missouri system resigned on Monday, the chancellor of the university announced he also was stepping down amid a controversy over race.
Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin told reporters that he would transition to a new role advancing research, starting January 1.
Loftin praised the efforts of graduate student Jonathan Butler, who ended his hunger strike earlier in the day. Butler had stopped eating last week, demanding the removal of university system President Tim Wolfe.
This was over a poop swastika, which was probably either done by other Negroes or some random Jew.
“I want to acknowledge his extraordinary courage and leadership,” Loftin said about Butler. “A very tough, tough young man, a very focused young man, a very intelligent and forward-looking young man, so we owe him a lot.”

African-American students at Missouri have complained of inaction on the part of school leaders in dealing with racism on the overwhelmingly white Columbia campus. Black student leaders have conveyed their displeasure over students openly using racial slurs and other incidents.
Several University of Missouri organizations, including the football team and the student association, had called for Wolfe to step down.
Until Monday, he had presided over the university system, which includes the main University of Missouri campus in Columbia, along with the University of Missouri-St. Louis, University of Missouri-Kansas City and Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Saying he takes “full responsibility for the inaction that has occurred,” Wolfe asked that the university community listen to each other’s problems and “stop intimidating each other.”
“This is not — I repeat, not — the way change should come about. Change comes from listening, learning, caring and conversation,” he said. “Use my resignation to heal and start talking again.”
If this isn’t the way, then why are you doing it? Because they called you a name?
His decision, he said, “came out of love, not hate,” and he urged the university to “focus on what we can change” in the future, not what’s happened in the past.
Students, faculty and staff converged on the Carnahan Quad following Wolfe’s announcement. There, they linked arms and swayed side to side, singing, “We Shall Overcome.”
Yeah. I’ll bet they did.

Wolfe’s resignation came after football players, both black and white, threatened — with their coach’s support — not to practice or play again until Butler ended his strike.
The student activist tweeted that he had ended his hunger strike and said, “More change is to come!! #TheStruggleContinues.”
He told CNN his reaction to Wolfe’s resignation was “just wow,” and he was crying because the moment meant so much to him. His fight was not solely against racism, but against sexism and homophobia as well. He fought, he said, because so many others fought for equality before him.
This is a monumental coup, given that there is now no reason it cannot be repeated everywhere until Blacks totally control everything.

CNN has put together a timeline of events which allegedly led to this outcome. It has been nothing but endless Black whining, Whites pandering to them, Blacks demanding more, Whites giving more.
None of what they are complaining about has ever been clear.
Here is the list of demands they formulated and presented on October 23rd. It even contains a non-ironic reference to “White male privilege” – that meme is burning out fast, huh?
It is all just “we want control over you.” Backed up by these same vague claims of hurt feelings and secret nonspecific racial abuses.
What they have done is launch a race war. The fact that the media flatout refuses to give any insight whatsoever into what is actually going on gives them an unlimited capacity to keep pushing it further.
How can institutions of learning possibly survive being overthrown by Blacks?
How can any institution survive that?
Someone best hurry up and figure it out, because this ship is sinking rapidly.
And the end game can only be cannibalism.
At this rate, we’re talking like a year from now, this headline: “Black protesters demand the right to devour the flesh of racist White overlord, racist hands himself over to be eaten.”