Missouri: Fat Black State Senator Calls for Trump’s Assassination

Daily Stormer
August 16, 2017

I can’t tell if this is a troll or not, but someone created a site, istandwithmaria.com, which is calling for her not to resign and has a petition.

The fact that so many things are situations where I myself can’t tell if something is a troll is very, very good.

This is absolutely exactly where we wanted these people – in a position where they have become such raving lunatics that their behavior is indistinguishable from the behavior of the people who mock them.


Original article follows.

Why is our senate filled with monkey terrorists? Couldn’t they at least have found one that wasn’t morbidly obese?

While the Daily Stormer is out there advocating for peace and understanding among all people, the American senate is filled with violent psychopaths publicaly drooling at the thought of seeing their enemies murdered in cold blood.

This is clown world.

It’s clear that if we want to maintain order and dignity in our institutions, we have no choice but to re-staff the entire government with Stormer readers, who might be the only civilized people left.

The Washington Post:

A Missouri lawmaker is under mounting pressure to resign after she said on social media she hopes President Trump is assassinated, following his response to violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

Well, to be fair, it’s completely normal for Blacks to just slaughter their political opponents. Or anyone they don’t like, really. They do it all the time.

This is standard parliamentary procedure in Africa.

Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal went on her personal Facebook page Thursday morning to vent two days after the president blamed “both sides” for the brutality.

“I put up a statement saying, ‘I really hate Trump. He’s causing trauma and nightmares.’ That was my original post,” she told the Kansas City Star. The Facebook post received many responses, Chappelle-Nadal said, and to one she replied, “I hope Trump is assassinated!”

Chappelle-Nadal later explained that she didn’t actually wish harm to come to Trump but wrote it out of frustration.

“I didn’t mean what I put up. Absolutely not,” Chappelle-Nadal told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “It was in response to the concerns that I am hearing from residents of St. Louis.”

See? It’s obvious that she didn’t mean it. She’s a good girl. In fact, you could go so far as to say that she didn’t do nothing.

Confidential sources confirm she was going to church and was getting her life back on track.

“There are people who are afraid of white supremacists,” she added. “There are people who are having nightmares. There are people who are afraid of going out in the streets. It’s worse than even Ferguson.”

Though the senator quickly deleted the comment, an image of the statement swept social media, catching the attention of the Secret Service and prompting calls for her to step down.

The Secret Service said it is “looking into the comments,” adding that all threats made against the president, vice president and other protected people are investigated, whether the threats are direct, implied or made in passing, according to the Associated Press.

The Secret Service is only investigating her because of the color of her skin. I mean – who hasn’t called for a President’s assassination here and there?

Don’t let any racist tell you that this is evidence that Blacks shouldn’t be put in charge of our society.

As an aside, isn’t it interesting that Facebook is letting people call for assassinations, yet ban people for criticizing immigration?
