Missouri: MAGA House Candidate Attacked by Own Kids Over Anti-Semitism!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2018

You have in this guy basically the ideal political candidate.

He ran on a straight MAGA platform without any insaniac wignat bullshit or emotional outbursts of any sort and secured the GOP nomination in a classically blue district.

I doubt he’s actually going to win, but this is how you do it. Theoretically, you don’t even want to be on record saying anything about Jews. You also don’t want, theoretically, to have a vindictive wife poisoning your children against you (though that part probably can’t be avoided these days).

Kansas City Star:

Emily West has a message for voters in Missouri House District 15.

Don’t vote for her dad.

“I can’t imagine him being in any level of government,” she told The Star on Monday.

Her dad is Steve West, 64, the Republican candidate for the Missouri General Assembly who made headlines after winning the GOP primary in August when word spread about his radio show and website through which he regularly espoused an array of bigotry including homophobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and outright racism.

“A lot of his views are just very out there,” Emily West said. “He’s made multiple comments that are racist and homophobic and how he doesn’t like the Jews.”

On Tuesday, her brother contacted The Star to say that he, too, was concerned about their father’s candidacy.

“My dad’s a fanatic. He must be stopped,” said Andy West, the middle of Steve West’s three children. “His ideology is pure hatred. It’s totally insane.

“If he gets elected, it would legitimize him. Then he would become a state official, and he’s saying that Jews shouldn’t even have civil rights.”

Both said their concerns were heightened when they recently drove through the Clay County House district — which covers Gladstone and a part of Kansas City, North — and saw lots of yard signs in support of their father.

“I think it’s just insane that people are putting out his signs,” Emily West said. “You see his signs everywhere. I don’t understand how people can put out his signs knowing the comments that he’s made.”

If you think this is insane, darling, then hold-on to your seats, because you’re already in the madhouse.

The Jewish attack on their own synagogue is going to have the reverse effect, due to the tears afterwards and the attempt to use it to say you cannot say the name “George Soros.”

We’re in a whole new world now, and even if Steve West doesn’t make it this round, guys just like Steve West are going to be lining every level of our government in the very near future.

Anti-Semitism is again dominating the headlines after 11 people were killed Saturday in a mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh that is being called the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in U. S. history.

West denounced the shooting on Monday, and said some of his comments in recent months have been taken out of context.

“I absolutely renounce what took place there,” he said. “I have never, never suggested anything like that. When stuff like that happens, it is a terrible travesty and injustice. I would never condone any violence against any people because of a specific race or religion or anything else.”

Andrew West said his father was not the type to commit violence.

lol did the reporter ask him, “so, do you think your dad is planning something like this too?”

“But certainly the terrorist that engaged in that synagogue shooting and my father have the same objective,” he said. “That objective is the removal of Jews from America. And certainly, if somebody who is already unstable gets the kind of message that he’s preaching, it’s all bad.”

So wait – this article is halfway through and I have seen no quote from the ADL.

What the hell…?


Karen Aroesty, regional director of ADL Heartland, said those who espouse hateful rhetoric bear some responsibility when violence erupts.

“I think anybody who’s willing to make hate public and willing to state formally and be out there with their hate-based identity, they’d better be accountable to how people respond to them,” she said. “When you put it out there, you have to know that you’re accountable in society today, and given the capacity of the internet to move information so fast, you’re going to be influencing people far beyond your neighborhood.”

Does West belong in the General Assembly?

“If somebody who is on the record as being hateful toward groups of people who they might represent if elected, is that something that society wants?” Aroesty said. “I would question how they make public policy for an entire constituency. But people are going to have to make that choice. I can’t make that choice for them.

Wow, you can sure tell this is regional ADL.

Never would Johnathan Greenblatt say that he can’t make the decisions of the goyim for them.

The ADL is a censorship lobby, so by definition their goal is to make other people’s decisions for them. That is what political censorship is – limiting the ability of people to access information in order to change their ability to make decisions based on that information.

Really – we have an entire history of arguments for and against censorship going back to ancient Greece and China both, and no one on either side of the argument ever said that it was about anything other than the people’s belief systems.

And to their credit, actually, the ADL and SPLC and other Jewish ethnic activist groups have shifted from claiming that this is somehow about “civility” or someone’s feelings getting hurt into full-on claims that speech changes people’s behavior and that Jews must be allowed to control people’s behavior by being the only ones allowed to speak.

The Missouri Republican Party issued a statement in August saying that West’s “shocking and vile comments do not reflect the position of the Missouri Republican Party or indeed of any decent individual.”

“West’s abhorrent rhetoric has absolutely no place in the Missouri Republican Party or anywhere. We wholeheartedly condemn his comments.”

I’m so sick of that shit.

We are absolutely at war, and these people are engaging in friendly fire (either that or they’re traitors – you decide!).

Look, let’s take it on the GOP’s word that they are just really offended by West’s “rhetoric” about the Jews – okay. Well, they agree with him on 95%, right?

Is there anyone else you can agree with 95% and still feel a need to publicly denounce?

And okay – the obvious thing is something like “yeah I support MAGA but I also want to lower the age of consent to 7.” And that is what everyone immediately thought of – “well, unless he’s a pedophile…”

So that is where we are at, then? “Anti-Semitism” is in the same league as child-molestation?

You really feel that Jews are as defenseless as children, and so you must protect them the same way? The Jews – the richest and most powerful group of people on the planet in all of human history – need you to defend them from someone’s “rhetoric”?

Something does not follow here, it seems.

What’s more, I have never heard of anyone who agrees 95% with someone who likes Jews who will denounce them over that. Except people like Robert Bowers. So that would mean that the mainstream GOP is the reverse Robert Bowers – instead of shooting up synagogues to kill random Jews, they will throw the bodies of their own children in front of bullets to protect random Jews.

West told The Star on Monday that he is “absolutely not anti-Semitic.”

Of his radio show, called “The Hard Truth with Jack Justice,” West said: “Some of the issues I discuss are hard-hitting. All of my shows are well documented. At the end of every show, I call everyone to Christ and Christianity, because that’s the only answer.”

On his show that aired Oct. 15, West discussed the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, complaining that the United States has been “loving on these people.”

“This is the kind of relationship that we have with Israel,” he said. “We have this alliance, but it’s not a reciprocal alliance… for Israel, it’s what can they get out of it.” He added: “They have been running this assault on America. They have been giving us gay marriage, pornography, abortion, everything that’s anti-Christian…This is what they do. This is how they corrupt a Christian nation, because they are an anti-Christ people.

Emily West said though her father “has always been kind of radical and out there,” his views have become more extreme in recent years.

She said her father’s actions have caused a rift between him and his children. The last time they talked, she said, was a couple of days after the August primary. West received about as many votes as the three other GOP candidates combined.

“I asked him to drop out and said, ‘I think it’s a really bad idea that you’re running and I don’t think this is going to end well for you,’” she said. “And he told me that this is what his life has been about and that everything in his life has come to this moment and it’s the most important thing. And I said, ‘OK, then I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want you to be a part of my life.’ And I haven’t talked to him since.”

West blames his ex-wife for his children’s attitudes toward him.

“I had a toxic divorce from my ex-wife and she’s poisoned my kids, and I have to live with that,” he said. “I’m sorry that she’s decided to make a political issue that doesn’t need to be.”

“I have a good reputation,” he said. “These people are trying to paint me as some monster. But I have been in this community for a long time. A lot of people know me, and they don’t have those experiences with me. There’s a good chance I’m going to win.

I sure as hell hope so.


This is the biggest white pill story since Trump sent 15,000 troops to the border to slaughter Mexicans.

As far as I understand, the district is probably not winnable, but this sets a marvelous precedent.

Listen to me, everyone thinking about getting into politics: DO EXACTLY THIS.

And who knows – he might win. Everyone in Missouri (or Eastern Kansas, I think his district is in Kansas City) needs to be out there shilling for him in the home stretch here.

I’ll leave you with a quote of great insight from Steve West, who is as much a philosopher as anyone I’ve ever heard of:

“Women’s athletics are a haven and breeding ground for lesbianism.”