Mitt Romney Thinks the President is an Evil Man with a Horrible Personal Character – But He Ain’t No Motherfucker

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 6, 2018

As I’m sure everyone on earth is aware, hours after having been sworn in as one of two first Moslem Congresspeople (other than Keith Ellison who is a black American convert to Nation of Islam so doesn’t really count), Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib told a crowd of supporters at a bar, “We’re gonna go in there and we’re going to impeach the motherfucker.”

It was probably a planned publicity stunt.

She’s certainly getting a lot of media over it.

I don’t think anyone is really all that shocked or bothered by the Paki wench using the word “motherfucker.”

Brown people swearing at you is a daily type of occurrence in America. I think if anyone is taken aback by this situation, it’s simply because they were not actually aware that this woman was elected to Congress, and had not seen her picture before.

Her visage is more abrasive than any potty-talk she might spew, and the idea of Moslems in government generally makes people uneasy.

She used a Koran for the swearing-in ceremony.

The media is focusing on the word itself, and saying “can you believe these Republicans are upset about someone saying ‘motherfucker’ in current year? How prude of them.”

When Trump responded, he didn’t even respond to the potty-word, he responded to the claim of impending impeachment. Even the the journalist specifically said “the profanity” to try and get him to go on about that.

Basically, this situation with the media defending the Paki using this word about the President is a similar scenario to them defending Alexandria from invisible or imaginary critics of her dance video – it’s a fake scandal designed to attack Republicans as uncool or curmudgeonly or whatever. The Democrat Party is seriously lacking in anything resembling hipness, so they’re saying “we’re dancing around and saying motherfucker and these old white men just can’t handle our in-your-face attitude!”

Alexandria, Rashida and Nancy Pelosi are like the new Charlie’s Angels.

Or… the Power Puff girls.

I can’t really think of any other grrrl power pop culture references, but I’m sure there are a lot.

The issue with this sort of spectacle is that this isn’t the 1950s. Sexy dancing and profanity are not edgy. To be cool, there has to be an edge of rebelliousness, and the Democrat Party is the “you will be assimilated” anti-rebel establishment.

If Rashida Tlaib would have went up there and called Trump a “nigger lover,” people would have been like “woah nelly.”

But Bart Simpson shenanigans won’t cut it.

This thing of putting faux edgy stuff out there and then trying to frame Republicans as being against it is a new tactic that someone came up with in a marketing agency to try to appeal to young people.

Look at The Young Turks claiming that conservatives are having a MELTDOWN over this profanity.

Again, if anyone is having a meltdown over this news story, it’s because they had not seen this bitch’s face until now.

I just had a meltdown scrolling Google Images.

The Levant truly is a genetic cesspit.

Anyway, there is one Republican who was genuinely outraged by a brown person using a curse word in a bar.

This comes days after he attacked Trump as basically evil incarnate, saying he didn’t have a good character because of… you know, racism, sexism, values and principles and because Israel is our greatest ally and so on.



Everyone is paying attention to him now because he came out with this abrasive attack, so then he takes the opportunity to say “but also, we shouldn’t call him a motherfucker specifically.”

His WaPo op-ed could easily have been titled “Why Donald Trump is a motherfucker.”

But it wouldn’t be, because the true conservatives that want infinite brown immigration and endless wars to help Jews steal people’s land are principled and values-oriented, and those values include not using cuss words. And also being outraged that anyone would use a cuss word.

The entire meme – which is in Jewish entertainment media – about how totally corrupt, amoral predators hide behind superficial Christian values is actually true. And so obvious.

Although it’s not just true of conservatives, but also liberal puritans. Like all those Jews who were outraged Trump said “grab her by the pussy” who then turned out to be extreme sexual deviants.

Whenever I see anyone put on some kind of holier-than-thou presentation, I not only immediately assume the guy is filthy, but also assume that he is making an appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Our society is so sick that we are beyond anything being morally outrageous. It is a post-moral outrage society. Everyone with any basic sense sort of instinctively understands this, and so among anyone with integrity, expressions of moral outrage are viewed as dishonest.

And the liberals have picked up on this in their marketing agencies, and they’re trying to shift the outrage from themselves – after having put on fake outrage for years on end – to the Republicans with goofy stunts.

It might be working though, because that Cher tweet has me wanting to go into a moral panic about 80-year-old women spamming emojis like trannies.