Mobile Game Companies Allegedly Using Third Parties to Spy on Players in Ways Which Would Shock Orwell

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2018

Mobile game companies are allegedly using high-end spying techniques from a third party to utilize AI technology to more effectively advertise their micro-transactions to users.

These methods include but are not limited to:

  • Using your phones GPS to tell if you are sitting, laying in bed, standing or walking.
  • Using your phones mic to listen in on your verbal and non-verbal sounds to determine your mood (sounds include laughing, moaning, grunting, sighing, children crying, television in the background, conversations, etc.)
  • Mapping your room and house by using reference points pulled from the location of appliances connected to the same internet connection to make a 2d reference to later put into 3d.

They then use this information to determine the best types of transactions should be pushed to you and when. They also determine the best way to deliver these advertisements.

This is psychological manipulation at best. They are knowingly using your state of mind to figure out when you are weakest and most susceptible to spending cash on their shitty game.

Every single company which engages in this kind of tactic (which I would say is at least 99% of them even if they don’t do it in ways this advanced) need to get shut down at a minimum.