Monkey Broke Almost Every Bone in White Man’s Face in Unprovoked Attack

Daily Mail
May 27, 2015

Just look what those evil bastards did to this innocent young man.

These are the shocking injuries inflicted on a student by a teenage thug who broke nearly every bone in his victim’s face in a ‘thrill-seeking’ unprovoked attack.

Michael Conway, 33, was left with a broken nose, two broken cheekbones, a fractured eye socket and a broken jaw after he was targeted by Sheik Juned, 18, and ‘left for dead’ in Burnley, Lancashire.

Mr Conway, who had to quit his college course due to the extensive injuries he suffered, also had the roof of his mouth broken in the attack and was left needing 14 teeth removed.

He had to have five metal plates inserted into his face and six screws into his jaw after the assault and has been left scarred for life from ear to ear.

His mobile phone, wallet, passport and bank cards were all stolen in the broad daylight attack, which only stopped when two passers-by intervened.

Sheik Juned will be out of prison within 4 years and back on the streets looking for another White victim.

Juned, who was said to be one of two men who attacked Mr Conway in a subway under the M65 in March 2013, has now been jailed for eight years after being convicted of robbery and causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

The other attacker has never been caught.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Mr Conway was stamped on repeatedly during the incident, with his attackers enjoying the ‘power to cause pain.’

This is what Michael Conway looked like before he was set upon by the savages.

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