Monster Black Boy Stabs White Woman Dead

Incog Man
October 23, 2013


White woman decides to go out for a quick jog, little monster black boy living in a “group home” (PC for delinquents) decides to kill her for apparently no other reason but for thrills. Of course, if a White did this to a black woman, all hell would break loose.

The woman had just started her own business (see Linked in screen capture below) and was well liked through-out the Columbus, Ohio community.

The 16 year-old black punk had been committing crimes of various sorts and had admitted to thoughts of violence towards others (it was only a matter of time). I guess any old White person would fit the bill. From the report, it looks like he ambushed the woman out of the blue, knifed her pretty bad and watched her bleed to death trying to crawl back to her car. The poor woman never had a chance.

From Columbus Dispatch

A Blendon Township woman was stabbed to death while jogging in a park near her home over the weekend, and police have charged a teenager who lived in a nearby group home with the slaying.


Jane E. Juergens, 55, was found dead with multiple stab wounds on the main trail of Ridgewood Park around 7 p.m. Sunday, Blendon Township police said.

Jordan T. Stewart, 16, was charged yesterday with a delinquency count of murder in Juergens’ death. Stewart and Juergens did not know each other, township Police Chief John Belford said.

Stewart lived in a group home with three other boys at 5548 Copenhagen Dr., which is near the park. He was assigned to the group home, run by Consumer Support Services, by Franklin County Children Services last year.

…Juergens’ body was found by township police officers after Willy Mutah, a staff member at the group home, called police shortly after 6 p.m. Sunday, to say Stewart was acting suspiciously.

Mutah said he had taken Stewart and another resident to the park late Sunday afternoon. After a short walk, they went to the parking lot and rested in the shade, but Stewart eventually went back into the woods. Shortly after that, Mutah saw a woman get out of a car in the parking lot and go jogging into the woods.

After about 20 minutes, Mutah said, he went to find Stewart, and met him as he ran out of the woods. He said that Stewart had scratches on him and a bruise under his eye. He told Mutah that he had tripped and fallen.

…After talking with Mutah, police went back to the park and saw the woman’s car still in the parking lot. Several officers began searching the trail and eventually followed blood to her body.

How much more of this kind of thing are we going to take? Imagine if this lady was your mother or wife?

– Phillip Marlowe
