Montenegro: Politicians Want Gun Control After Guy Kills 12 in Mass Shooting

These things always have to have some retarded political response.

Whatever happened to “hope and prayers”?


Montenegro authorities are considering a total ban on gun ownership in the aftermath of a cafe shooting that left at least 12 dead, including two children, in the city of Cetinje Wednesday.

Prime Minister Milojko Spajić said the government “will urgently look at all options, including a complete ban on gun ownership at its upcoming National Security Council meeting.

“Weapons can’t be in the streets and in the hands of those who could hurt others. I will ask our security heads to offer concrete solutions for the safety of our citizens as early as tomorrow,” Spajić said.

According to police, the killer was 45-year-old Aco Martinović. The public prosecutor said Martinović committed suicide when police surrounded him after an hours-long manhunt.

Aco Martinović

Martinović had been drinking heavily all day when he got into an altercation at a restaurant when he went home and got a gun, returning to kill several people, according to Montenegro authorities.

The restaurant owner and his children, 10 and 13, were among the dead.

He then went to several other locations, shooting members of his family and other people.

As far as I could find, Montenegro has only ever had 2 mass shootings in its history, both of them in the last 3 years, and both of them in this town of fewer than 15,000 people.

Why not just ban the town, instead of taking everyone’s guns away?

Video from the previous mass shooting from 2022