Montenegro: US Embassy Attacker was a Serbian Soldier

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2018

Due to the bad acts of Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama, basically the entire world hates us.

Clinton for instance bombed Serbia in support of an Albanian terrorist group, justifying the war crimes with goofy atrocity lies about an alleged Moslem genocide.

President Trump has the opportunity to create a situtation where the entire world no longer hates us.

The first step would be to make friends with Russia. The second step would be to stop arming global Sunnigger terrordom.


The man who hurled a bomb into the U.S. Embassy compound in Montenegro’s capital, and then killed himself, was an ex-soldier apparently decorated by former Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic after NATO’s bombing of Serbia and Montenegro in 1999, authorities said Thursday.

A police official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation, said the man was 43-year-old Dalibor Jaukovic, who was identified by a close relative.

At a news conference, police formally identified the suspect by his initials D.J., in line with what the police official said earlier.

The man had no criminal record and the attack wasn’t an act of terrorism, police said.

Rather, it appears to have been an act of defiance against the evil empire.

The fact that the victims of NATO are now trying to join it must be extremely difficult, emotionally and spiritually.

Police added they were investigating his motives and whether he had acted alone. They said security was beefed up around all foreign embassies in Montenegro.

“Measures are being taken together with the FBI agents to check the social networks this individual has used,” senior police official Enis Bakovic said.

Photos posted on Jaukovic’s Facebook profile include a plaque honoring his contribution in the fight against NATO during the bombing. The plaque appears to be personally signed by Milosevic. In a Facebook post in May, Jaukovic said “no to NATO.”

Police said in a statement earlier that an assailant threw a bomb into the embassy yard and then killed himself by activating another one around midnight Wednesday.

The blast created a crater but caused no other material damage to the embassy property, the statement said. The embassy said Thursday all staff are safe and accounted for after the incident.

Police sealed off the area around the embassy after the explosion. Officers came to the scene after receiving reports about two explosions and found a lifeless male body in the area of the Moraca river that runs through Podgorica, the statement said.

Police said Jaukovic was a Montenegrin citizen born in neighboring Serbia.

The attack on Serbia, and the stealing of their lands in support of Albanians, was a horrible thing.

I have had Gen X liberals tell me with a straight face that this was a “good war.”

But they can’t explain why.

Just some gibberish about an Islamic genocide.

Serbians should have genocided the Moslems.

But they didn’t.

It was never proven. Because there was no evidence. At all. A little bit like the Holocaust – “they killed all of these people and somehow made the bodies disappear rofl execute them and destroy their country forever.”

They charged all these Serbs with war crimes then failed to prove any of it.