Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2015
Quentin Tarantino, the director of Pulp Fiction and I guess some other movies, has positioned himself as the moral compass of America.
He has been on a rampage attack the police in America and accusing them of being involved in a racist conspiracy.
Appearing on HBO’s “Real Time” with Jewish kike Bill Maher on Friday, he intensified his rhetoric, claiming that the entire institution of law enforcement in America is fundamentally racist in nature.
“I actually don’t think it’s an issue of individuals, good cops versus bad cops. I think it’s inside of the institution itself” he said.
He claimed he was being attacked and misrepresented, saying, “they’re saying that I am a cop hater, which is slander, because I didn’t say that. And they’re saying — they’re implying that I meant that all cops are murderers and I wasn’t.”

He continued, saying you should be able to attack cops without fearing for your life: “back in the 1970’s or something, if you got into an altercation with a cop, and I’m not encouraging any kind of altercation with cops, obviously not, you could get killed doing that, and we — it’s not about that. But just use it as a crazy example, say you got into a scuffle with a cop and you ended up punching them, all right? In today’s world you would just be shot for that, I mean, absolutely shot. If you grabbed their baton, you’d be shot. You would actually be shot for that. Now, when we were kids in the 70’s and we watched ‘Adam-12,’ they got into fights all the time and they didn’t just take out the guns and shoot people. When you watched ‘The Rookies,’ they got into fights all the time. But if they just actually took out a gun and shot the hippie, we would have said, ‘Whoa, what’s going on?’ Alright? But now, it actually has become the new norm.”

He then compared cops to the Marvel Comics terror organization “Hydra”: “I mean this is a — it’s a hydra, it’s a snake with many heads, but I actually think the biggest head that needs to be chopped off first is this blue wall idea, the fact that they would protect their own as opposed to put themselves at the betterment of citizenry. And, I mean, if it is just — I actually don’t think it’s an issue of individuals, good cops versus bad cops. I think it’s inside of the institution itself. And if they were really really serious about this, they wouldn’t close rank on what I’m obviously talking about, which is bad cops, and I’m obviously talking about specific cases, where it is murder, as far as I’m concerned. Walter Scott was murdered.”
And yes, it is weird that the open foot-fetishist and drug user who made that torture scene in Reservoir Dogs (where the cop gets his ear cut off) which haunted us all as children is now our moral compass.

This scene of a racist cop being tortured in “True Romance” is also incidental, and totally unrelated to any of Quentin’s present political views about cops: