Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2014

Apparently, there are more “British Muslims” (an oxymoron) fighting for ISIS than are enrolled in Britain’s military.
Should this be surprising?
Presumably there are also more ethnically British people fighting for Britain than for ISIS.
Why would someone fight for the opposite team? Because of “civic nationalism” (another oxymoron)?
Britain’s Ministry of Defense confirmed to USA TODAY that there are approximately 600 British Muslim servicemembers in its armed forces of almost 200,000 people. Official government estimates put the number of British Islamic State fighters operating in Syria and Iraq at up to 800. The Foreign Office cautioned Thursday that it is difficult to provide precise numbers.
The militant who beheaded American journalist James Foley in a horrifying video released this week spoke with a British accent. United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond acknowledged that the militant in the video could be a British national. And he knows the problem of British jihadists is not a new one.
“This is something we have been tracking and dealing with for many, many months and I don’t think this video changes anything,” he said. “It just heightens awareness of a situation which is very grave.”
Khalid Mahmood, a member of Parliament from an area with a high proportion of Muslim residents, said government estimates of the number of British Islamic State fighters currently in the Mideast is far too conservative. He told Newsweek magazine this week that at least 1,500 extremists are likely to have been recruited to fight in Iraq and Syria over the last three years.
“There are an unacceptable number of Britons fighting for jihadist forces,” he said.
Experts say the number of Americans fighting for the Islamic State is much lower. Joseph Young, a criminology professor at American University and expert on political violence, said simple geography and the complex cultural differences between the U.S. and Europe are primary reasons why.
Khalid Mahmood with his civic rhetoric is simply a Trojan Horse. I wouldn’t be surprised if he himself is secretly sending half his income to ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
The idea of fighting against your own race is retarded on every conceivable level, and not something than anyone other than a White man (or woman) would ever engage in. Unless, I suppose, there was some massive personal benefit, such as heaps of Jew gold. However, Whites fighting against their own race in White countries are not getting heaps of Jew gold. They are just getting feel-good propaganda.
If we cannot fight for our own, we do not deserve to exist. Period. This is the law of nature. If the White race finally decides to destroy itself completely, real men will have no choice but to join the enemy forces, as they will have proven themselves the benefactor of nature itself.