More Jew Bomb Hoaxes – I Think This is All Totally Fake

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 21, 2017

More Jewish centers have received bomb threats.


Also unsurprising: the filthy kike media is blaming President Trump.

Huffington Post:

Jewish Community Centers were shaken by another wave of bomb threats, forcing evacuations in 10 states Monday.

Eleven Jewish Community Centers received threatening calls Monday, said Marla Cohen, communications manager for JCCA, the Jewish Community Center Association.

Incidents were reported at Jewish Community Centers in St. Paul, Minnesota; Buffalo and Amherst, New York; Birmingham, Alabama; Houston; Cleveland, Ohio; Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin; Nashville; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Tampa, Florida; and Chicago.

Law enforcement officials were investigating the threats and, as of late Monday, centers were being reopened after explosive devices were not found.

For some of these organizations, it was not the first threat made in recent weeks. There have now been at least 67 incidents at 56 Jewish Community Centers in 27 states and one Canadian province since the start of 2017, Cohen told The Huffington Post.

Monday’s incidents are part a sharp rise in threats made against JCCs around the nation since Donald Trump began his presidential campaign, which was frequently criticized for winking at white nationalists and not forcefully condemning hate speech and extremism.

The far-right has become emboldened under Trump, and while the number of Americans who directly support hardened hate groups remains far lower than in earlier decades, the number of hate groups in America is rising, according to a recent report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate and extremism around the nation.

The Jews have a very long history of hoaxing attacks on themselves for the purpose of painting themselves as victims of evil haters. The most famous such incident was “the Holocaust,” where the Jews hoaxed the death of 11 million people, 6 million of them Jews. Jews recently admitted to hoaxing 5 million of these deaths.

When I see these bomb threats, I just assume it is Jews doing it. You see how it fits right into their narrative of victimhood under Trump.

They have successfully gotten the White House to respond.


The White House on Monday denounced a spate of threats made against Jewish Community Centers around the country.

The reaction is notable coming after weeks of criticism that the Trump administration has not been forceful enough to denounce acts of anti-Semitism that have occurred nationwide since his election.

“Hatred and hate-motivated violence of any kind have no place in a country founded on the promise of individual freedom. The President has made it abundantly clear that these actions are unacceptable,” said White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters.

Obviously, it is unacceptable. Anything which makes Jews seem sympathetic is unacceptable.

The national security apparatus needs to stop spying on Trump and his team and figure out who is doing this. It’s very telling that they haven’t already. It is obviously all being done by one person or group.

So why can’t they find them?

Unless it is a state entity or some extremely good (and so extremely intelligent and wealthy) hacker, they should be able to trace it very easily, even if it is being done through proxies. Especially given that so many calls have been made.

Obviously, I cannot know for certain that it is a Jew, but look – if it’s an individual capable of avoiding detection indefinitely, then he is smart enough to see how this is playing directly into the Jewish narrative of infinite victimhood, while not really accomplishing anything else.

67 fake bomb threats.

If your goal was to scare the Jews even, it wouldn’t work. After a dozen, it was clear that there was a pattern of fake bomb threats, and thus no one is really scared that there’s an actual bomb. They’re just playing along like they’re scared, a little victim show for the goyim.

If Trump can expose this series of anti-Jewish hoaxes as a Jewish hoax, that would go a hell of a long way to destroying this insane narrative that the most powerful group in the world is also the most victimized.