More Racial Appropriation: Now Martin Luther was BLM

Diversity Macht Frei
October 22, 2017

I wrote something last year about the musical Hamilton (link), calling it “White Genocide turned into entertainment”. At the time, I meant this tongue-in-cheek. But it looks like the “Racial Appropriation” phenomenon is a more general one: rewriting the history of white people with their place taken by brown people. This really is a cultural accompaniment to White Genocide.

Now comes a musical called “Here I Stand”, negrofied history in which the Protestant Reformation is compared to the Black Lives Matter movement. Skip to 3.30 in the video to get to the politically significant part.

This is the kind of nonsense version of history that people will actually believe a few hundred years from now.

Daddy, who was Martin Luther?

He had a dream, son. He wanted to be free.

Free from what, dad?

De Catholics.

Who are de Catholics?


What are racists?

White people.

What are white people?

People that had white skin. You don’t see them any more. But in the old days there used to be a lot of them. They controlled the world. They hated everyone who wasn’t white like them. They enslaved us blacks and made us work on their farms and when we got too old to work they would just kill us.

Did the Catholics hate Martin Luther?

Yes, they hated him. After he nailed his Koran to the door of their church and told them about his dream, they wouldn’t let him get on the bus. But he got on anyway. And then they shot him.

Why did they hate him, dad?

Because of the colour of his skin.

Are there still Catholics, dad?

No, son. Everyone worships Allah now.