Mormons Aggressively Opening Up to Faggotism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 5, 2019

Mormons were the last white Christian denomination to resist being faggotized by the kikes.

But they’ve given up the ghost.

Bugchaser parties on Kolob incoming.

Fox News:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Thursday repealed rules that banned baptisms for children of gay parents and that labeled same-sex couples as sinners eligible for expulsion — marking a reversal of policies condemned as jarring detours from a push by the faith to be more compassionate about LGBTQ issues.

LGBTQ church members and groups that support them expressed relief about what they called an important step forward for the faith. However, they also said they were angry about the harm the 2015 policies had caused and the lack of an apology by church leaders.

Yes, because of course. As soon as the church accepts their sickening anal behaviors as acceptable, they start pushing for retroactive apologies.

“We’re glad they bent over but they haven’t bent over far enough” is the eternal chant of both faggots and kikes alike.

In a statement posted online, church leaders described the changes as “very positive policies” that should help “affected families.” The faith’s highest leadership group, known as the First Presidency, made the decision after “fervent, united prayer to understand the will of the Lord on these matters,” the statement said.

This is just open blasphemy.

God did not tell you to accept analism.

By claiming that God told you to do this, you’re taking this out of the realm of the political into the realm of the satanic.

The faith widely known as the Mormon church said it is not changing its doctrinal opposition to gay marriage and still considers same-sex relationships to be a “serious transgression.”

“We want to reduce the hate and contention so common today,” the statement said.

The rules approved by global church leaders in 2015 had prohibited baptisms for children living with gay parents until the children turned 18 and disavowed same-sex relationships.

With the change, children of gay parents can now be baptized as long as their parents approve the baptisms and acknowledge that the children will be taught church doctrine.

People in same-sex relationships will no longer be considered “apostates,” a term the religion uses for people who teach inaccurate doctrine or publicly defy guidance from church leaders. Apostates can be kicked out of the religion.

That label was widely condemned by LGBQT members and allies as being demeaning and hurtful to people who already struggle to find acceptance in the faith.

Yes, “hurtful.”

“Let’s flush our entire culture down the toilet of the filthy bathroom of a gay bar because some people have hurt feelings” is the new slogan of Western Civilization, courtesy of the filthy rat kikes.

In their defense, however, Mormons are literally the last group of white Christians to bow down to globo-homo on this issue.

Just as they were the last group of white Christians to bow down on the issue of race.

It is clear that as soon as you crack on race, the next step is to crack on homos.

But both of those steps come after cracking on women – the Mormons stopped polygamy before they started allowing the blacks.

Taking women seriously and pretending they are people is always the original sin.

Of course, as we saw this week with Ben Shapiro’s interview with Joe Rogan, Orthodox Jews are not ever going to be forced to accept analism.

And thus far, the Moslems haven’t been forced to accept it.

In fact, not even the black “Seventh Day Adventist” church has been forced to accept it.

For whatever reason, homosexualism is forced exclusively on white people, thus far.

And it absolutely is forced. The Mormons made the smart decision to form a New Zion out there in Utah, and they’ve been isolated from the rest of the country in a cultural bubble. They are not doing this because The Gay has seeped into their culture. This decision is the result of heavily funded pressure groups pressuring them and lodging nonstop legal threats.

(It might also be due to the Mormon mafia in DC making various deals with the kikes and bringing those problems with them to Utah. Probably is.)

Joseph Smith foresaw the collapse of traditional protestantism, and he tried to form a group that would hold out against the encroaching satanism.

He was basically the whitest person who ever lived.


None shall resist the full anal transformation of white culture.