Mormons FINALLY Dip Out of the GRIDS-Ridden Gender-Neutral Boy Scouts

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2018

I was recently pointing out that regardless of what anyone tells you, there is no real solution to the woman problem short of nuclear war/zombie apocalypse or a full-on fascist revolution, so basically, white men should just give up on trying to deal with women and move on with their lives. Or at the very least, stop allowing them to be a central part of their lives.

And then some guy was like “no wait – hold up – we can all just convert to Mormonism.”

And I was like well, that’s a funny/extreme solution, but one which could potentially work for a couple of people. It couldn’t work as a movement of people obviously, because the Mormons would catch on to the scheme of guys moving to SLC and converting to their religion just to get a wife who isn’t 100% roastie rekt.

Plus, before that would even be a possibility, you’d have to have a secure ability to make money. Then actually move to Utah. Then do whatever years-long process is involved in converting to Mormonism. And then still be totally disadvantaged in the marriage game, because unless you’re Don Juan, the fact that you’re a convert is going to be a disadvantage in the courting game.

But yes, there are white people who are still sort of kinda pure who live in North America.

That is technically true. 

But to be honest, they aren’t really that pure. At least as an official body. They have totally given up on race and recently they’ve been flirting with the faggot issue.

They did, however, just dump the Boy Scouts after they decided to let girls join.

Fox News:

The Mormon church announced Tuesday it will sever a more than century-old tie with the Boy Scouts of America and transfer its remaining 425,000 boys in the program into a gospel-focused youth group it is developing.

The church’s announcement follows the Boy Scouts’ unprecedented decision in 2015 to allow gay troop leaders and last year, to allow girls in its ranks – both seemingly at odds with the conservative beliefs of the Mormon church.

Last week the BSA announced it will drop the word “Boys” from its name to reflect the inclusion of girls.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints initially said it was “deeply troubled” by the Boy Scouts’ policy change on gays but stayed with the organization after receiving assurances it could appoint troop leaders in accordance with its own religious and moral values.

After the official separaration, slated for Dec. 31, 2019, the Mormon church will create its own gospel-based youth program, FOX 13 reported.

In a statement the church said its new youth program will “help all girls and boys, young women and young men discover their eternal identity, build character and resilience, develop life skills and fulfill their divine roles as daughters and sons of God.”

The Boy Scouts of America in a statement thanked the thousands of Mormons who have served as scout leaders and wished the religion well on its new program. The organization said individual Mormons who wish to stay in Boy Scouts would be integrated into other troops.

The church has long been the biggest sponsor of Boy Scout troops in the United States, constituting around 19 percent of the 2.3 million youth in the organization, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.  

Okay so, kudos.

But wow – it took you long enough.

Why, as soon as the gay scandal broke, were they not just like “yo – we’re out.”

I mean – do you understand that they are allowing not just faggot boys but actual gay scout leaders?

As in, men are sending their pubescent sons out into the woods for days with a homosexual adult in charge of them?

I’m glad he included “stupid” before “sin.” Because I mean, the “sin” stuff can get confusing – but this “send your pubescent boy into the wood with this homosexual man” concept is just outright lunacy. You don’t even need the religious angle. 

I’m going to tell you straight up that I don’t even think signally liberal cuckold fathers are comfortable with this. I think it is eating at their souls, but they have this in their minds where they say “yes, but I have no choice – I have to sacrifice my son to let him be molested in order to promote the state-sanctioned religious doctrine of homosexual multicultural Marxism.”

There is a psychological mechanism in the brain for that in the form of sacrificing your son in a war, generally for Jesus. Obviously, in the Middle Ages, fathers didn’t want to send their 14-year-old sons on war campaigns against the Moslems. But they did it anyway because it was the will of God and necessary to protect the values of the society.

This same psychological mechanism is being employed by fathers who show up to drop their sons off for a weekend in the woods and see that they’re sending them off with this guy:

Just as in the Middle Ages they would say to themselves “well, there’s not a 100% chance he won’t make it back alive” they say to themselves “well, there’s not a 100% chance he’s gonna get his pecker fiddled by this homo.”

Anyway, with the Mormons – there was obviously a lot of money involved. But late is better than never. But this was very, very late.

I was never in the Boy Scouts, but I always kinda wished I had been. I saw it as a great thing. The idea of men teaching boys discipline and masculine skills is like something out of ancient history.

So it’s no surprise that the Jews viewed it as a prime target.

They see stuff like this:

And just imagine getting stuffed in gas chambers.

There’s even a pretty glaring aesthetic similarity between the Scouts and the Hitler Youth.

And according to MI5, Hitler actually had a secret plan to use the Boy Scouts as an inroad for the Hitler Youth into Britain.

It’s the same thing with the Mormons themselves – they are something from a forgotten era. A bunch of white people who act like normal white people. Given that the Mormons were the biggest backers of the Scouts, I can see that maybe they thought they could save them or something. I guess.

But after the fag thing man. Wow.