Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2015

Though anyone would have to admit some of their material is a little bit weird, Mormons are fantastic people and truly are the last main base of White civilization in North America.
I salute them for not collapsing under the pressure of the faggot agenda.
The Mormon church is standing behind its new rules targeting gay members and their children that generated widespread blowback from members, while providing more explanation about the policy changes and clarifying exactly what they mean.
The rules issued last week are designed to protect kids, following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ’s “tender love of children,” officials with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said in a news release Friday.
“Church leaders want to avoid putting little children in a potential tug-of-war between same-sex couples at home and teachings and activities at church,” according to the release posted online.The rules ban baptisms for children living with gay parents until they turn 18, disavow same-sex relationships and get approval from global church leaders. They also make gay marriages a sin worthy of expulsion.
The gay marriage policy wasn’t surprising since church leaders have made clear their doctrinal opposition to such relationships. But the guidelines for children marked a jarring shift from the religion’s recent push to carve out a more compassionate stance on LGBT issues.
They prompted a flurry of discussion on Mormon websites, with the idea of targeting kids ruffling even conservative Latter-day Saints who rarely question church decisions.
After the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last summer to make gay marriage legal nationwide, church leaders wanted “to draw a firm line and encourage consistency among local leaders,” the news release said.
Sometimes, I wish the whole country would have adopted this bizarre religion.
It isn’t really even that bad. Here’s a video attacking it, but watching it you’re like “hm, could be worse.”