Moroccan Philosopher Says French Textbooks Appease Islam with Uncritical History

Diversity Macht Frei
January 27, 2018

It’s a sign of how guilt-sapped our civilisation has become that we need brown people to come and take pity on us by pointing out the bleeding obvious. Immune from the charge of racism, the brown ones can speak freely.

Here we see Saoud Ayada, a Moroccan with a bit of paper that says she is also French, complaining that French educational textbooks are suffused with an uncritical view of Islam and the so-called prophet Mohammed. They “sacralise” the subject, she says. They exhibit an intention to appease.

This woman has been appointed president of the Conseil supérieur des programmes, which offers advice from the world of academia on the content of school curriculums and textbooks. Although it is disturbing that someone of immigrant background should be placed in so influential a role, she at least seems to have some moral character that transcends her ethno-religious interests.