Moscow: Liberal (Probably Jewish) Russian Journalist Stabbed in the Neck

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 23, 2017

“Felgenhauer” is certainly not a Russian name – even though her first name, “Tatyana,” is Russian. This implies she is not Russian but was born in Russia to parents with a desire to have her appear Russian.

There’s a possibility that her father was just from East Germany, of course. But given that she’s a journalist, it’s significantly more likely that she’s Jewish.

She certainly looks Jewish.

Fox News:

A knife-wielding man burst into a Moscow radio station studio Monday and stabbed a female journalist in the neck, the station said.

Tatyana Felgenhauer was stabbed at the Ekcho Moskvy station. Alexei Venediktov, the station’s editor-in-chief, wrote on Twitter that Felgenhauer was taken to the hospital and is expected to survive.

The attacker was detained.

Ekcho Moskvy is Russia’s leading and only independent news radio station. Several of its hosts and journalists have received death threats after its criticism of the Russian government irked officials.

I am anti-violence.

But it is certainly interesting the level of hate that journalists all over the world are now getting. People want to kill them, because they know that they are purposefully and aggressively manipulating and deforming Western society in order to push a Jewish agenda onto the people.

Some people don’t yet know that this agenda is Jewish, and still hate the media. We saw this with Donald Trump’s crowds screaming boos at them.

But it isn’t a huge step to realize that all of these liberals seem to share a common trait: they are Jews, or they are working for Jews.

And then you have the fact that the ideologies themselves are all Jewish.

On yesterday’s Fash the Nation, an old Jeffery Goldberg article attacking Glenn Beck was mentioned – “Glenn Beck’s Jewish Problem.”

He begins the article with what is the fundamental thesis of “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists”:

It’s become clear to me that the Fox commentator Glenn Beck has something of a Jewish problem. Actually, he has something of a modernity problem, and people with modernity problems tend to have problems with Jews, who more or less invented modernity (Einstein, Marx, Freud, Franz Boas, etc.)

The “etc.” there is a very, very long list.

Jews are the founders of the modern system, and many people do not like the modern system, thus it is logical to blame the Jews.

It is only the efficiency of Jewish brainwashing through the educational system and the media which has trained the goyim to view the Jews as the eternal victim which keeps them from seeing the Jews as what they are: the eternal predator.

And their entire system is dependent on the newsmedia machine creating a false reality for the goyim.

When that falls, the whole thing falls.


I think this is Tatyana’s father. It’s presumably at least a relative of some sort. Also with the extremely Jewish-looking visage.

Pavel Felgenhauer

This article features him at a Jewish center in Moscow.

Remember that the overwhelming opposition to Putin is coming from the Jews, almost exclusively. Yes, like Trump, he has a few Jews who support him, but again like Trump, those Jews are just there to attempt to undermine him.