Moscow to Remove Kebab

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2016


For years, we believed that the only good thing about kebabs was their kebabs. Then we learned that their secret ingredient is rat feces.

The Independent:

Muscovites have reacted angrily after the city authorities threatened to ban kebabs.

Shawarma is a local favourite in the Russian capital, but hygiene concerns led them into the sights of Moscow’s Department of Trade and Services.

“We are ridding shawarma from the streets. There will be no shawarma anymore,” city official Alexei Nemeryuk told local media. He vowed vendors selling the kebabs would have to cease trading after their licence expired.

“Cooking in a tent where there is no water, sanitation, are not complied with conditions of storage products, is already causing rejection of the food that they prepare,” Mr Nemeryuk told Komsomolskaya Pravda radio. He added that kiosk owners have declined to “bear even the slightest costs of maintaining proper sanitation standards”.

City authorities have been clamping down on kiosks – accused of breaches in property law – for several months and demolishing and removing structures.

The media is reporting that locals are angry. However, there is not much evidence of this, beyond a few tweets, most of which are posted in English.

That said, it is known that people do like to eat kebab when they’re drunk – even racists.

However, this no doubt goes beyond simply removing filthy kebab stands, and is part of a larger plan to remove kebab entirely. Arabs have little to do in a country without welfare for immigrants, and so in order to survive in Russia, they mostly rely on kebab stands. As such, kebab stands literally fund terrorism.

Moscow has recently been raiding Islamic terrorists, and I think it is safe to assume the crackdown on this drunken snack relates to the larger crackdown on invasive kebabism.