Moslem Cop-Shooter Found by Feds to be a Terrorist After Local Cops Said Motive a Mystery

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 24, 2017

Yesterday, the kiked-out Jewish media and the kiked cops were saying that they had LITERALLY NO FUCKING CLUE why a Moslem would go on a rampage killing cops in America.

Today, however… they’re been forced to alter that story after the feds came in and were like “lolwut?”

But hey – at least CNN used scare quotes when calling it a terrorist attack.

So maybe this is… some kind of ironic terrorist attack?


The Department of Homeland Security is calling a series of shootings targeting law enforcement in Pennsylvania a “terror attack.”

Authorities said Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty, 51, was shot and killed by police Friday in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, after he fired several times at law enforcement officers throughout the city.

The string of shootings began just steps from the state’s Capitol building when El-Mofty fired several times at a Capitol Police officer and then, shot and injured at a state trooper. Later, he used two handguns to open fire at several officers who then returned fire and killed him, according to a statement from the Dauphin County district attorney’s office.

Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico said there was “no doubt that he was directly targeting police officers,” CNN affiliate WGAL reported.

Tyler Houlton, acting DHS press secretary, referred to the incident as a terror attack in a statement released Saturday. He said the incident highlights the “Trump administration’s concerns with extended family chain migration.”

El-Mofty was a naturalized US citizen who came to the country on a “family-based immigrant visa,” Houlton said.

“Both chain migration and the diversity visa lottery program have been exploited by terrorists to attack our country,” Houlton said, adding that “the programs make it more difficult to keep dangerous people out of the United States and to protect the safety of every American.”

It’s so great.

What we had with Bush and Obama was the Feds coming in and directing local police to say that terrorists weren’t really terrorists. Now the opposite thing is happening.

Local police departments had been trained by Feds to assume a Moslem shooting a bunch of people had no relationship to Islam, and was purely an issue of mental health. Now they are made to look like stupid assholes by the Feds for making that kind of absurdist claim.

CNN is left pretending that maybe DHS is wrong, and they’re just calling this poor mentally ill would-be cop-killer a terrorist because of racism.