Moslem Hags Beat up White Woman for Wearing Bikin

Daily Mail
August 3, 2015

Angelique Sloss was beaten up by the hags when they saw her sunbathing.

An attack on a woman in France because she wore a bikini in a public park has sparked outrage on social media.

The 21-year-old victim, who has been named as Angelique Sloss, was beaten up by a gang of reportedly Muslim young women – aged between 16 and 24 – when she was sunbathing with two friends.

Protesters wearing bikinis and swimsuits held a rally at the park, in the northern city of Reims, yesterday despite rain and cold winds.

Hundreds across France joined the campaign on Twitter, posting photos of themselves wearing swimsuits in public places.

Spectators have likened the campaign to the JeSuisCharlie Twitter campaign, following the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris in January.

One Twitter user added: ‘All women are free to wear what they want, and no one can decide for them.’

The burka bitches beat her up for wearing a bikini in the public park on a hot day.

Another wrote: ‘I’m posting a photo to say no to the draconian oppression of liberty.’

The anti-racism organisation SOS Racisme with the hashtag ‘JePorteMonMaillotAuParc’, meaning ‘I wear my swimsuit in the park’.

The attack took place on Wednesday at Parc Leo-Lagrange.

All five women were arrested after the attack, with the eldest three – named in French newspapers as Ines Nouri, Zohra Karim and Hadoune Tadjouri – set to appear in court in September.

The 16-year-old and 17-year-old involved in the attack remain anonymous.

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