Moslem Immigrants Whine About Not Getting Laid in Asylum Centers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 7, 2015

A lot of the time you see headlines like this and they turn out to be a hoax.

This does not appear to be one of those times.

Great job, Angela!

These are the kind of people that are going to make Germany great again!

For those who didn’t catch that, this was the interview:

Migrant: I slept three days in hospital because of this problem.

Reporter: What was the problem?

Moslem: Problem, problem problem here (points to groin) Balls is very big.

Reporter: Your balls?

Moslem: Really. He said make sex with anyone.

I want to note here that I don’t think you can be hospitalized because your balls become too big from not having sex. But maybe that is the way Arab biology works, I’m not sure. I do have a hard time believing that a doctor in a German hospital told him to make sex with anyone to cure the medical condition of big balls.

The second guy says there are too many people in the asylum center, he can’t bring hookers. He also notes that the hookers are overworked. I think that is what he is saying.

This is after Germans were shocked to hear that prostitution is rampant in the immigrant centers, and the rest of the world was shocked to hear they were charging ten euros for Paki hookers.

These claims of a lack of sex come after claims of very slow internet and not enough cigarettes.

By the way, we appear to remain the only English news outlet to cover the confirmed real document talking about a crisis of men urinating on women in the centers – both while they are awake and while they are asleep.

These people are just pissing all over each other, such is their lack of cigarettes, internet and hookers.

It’s looking more and more like Merkel is the actual racist, and she brought these people to Germany just so she could abuse them for her own sick pleasure.

Here is more footage of the abuse these people are suffering at the hands of Whites.