Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

Without all of these Moslems, Germany wouldn’t be Germany anymore.
It would become some unspecified different thing.
Social Democratic Party (SPD) leader Raed Saleh wants to create a contract with the Muslim community similar to the one between the town hall and Christian and Jewish groups that grants them official status.
The SPD began drafting a contract with Berlin’s diverse Muslim population of more than 250,000, RBB reported.
Similar contracts with the Christian and Jewish communities allow the groups to regulate religious holidays, funerals, collaborative work at universities and pastoral care.
“We are telling them ‘you are a part of this city, you are at home here,'” Saleh said.
Hamburg and Bremen already have contracts with their Muslim communities and Lower Saxony is expected to sign one in the spring. Saleh said these could be used as models for Berlin.
“Berlin needs a contract,” said the city’s culture secretary, Tim Renner.
“It is important that we have such a central contract with Muslim communities, even if only as a sign, especially now,” when the topic of Islam is discussed everywhere.
The contract would be more symbolic than effective, because real contracts are only negotiated with registered public bodies.
Good German goyim understand that if they just keep giving things to Moslems, eventually they will stop demanding things. Similar to the way, following the civil rights era in America, when Blacks were given all sorts of special rights and free things constantly, they eventually became happy and integrated into society completely and stopped causing any types of problems whatsoever.
The “just keep giving them more and more and more until they eventually stop trying to completely destroy you” method has worked across the world when White majority populations have sought to integrate non-White minorities. It simply cannot fail.