Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14,2015

So Obama is refusing to condemn these insults to Islam. However, he also refused to send anyone to the rally condemning them, indicating that he is against the cartoons and stands with the terrorists.
The Obama administration on Tuesday tempered its views on caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, refusing to criticize a satirical French magazine for publishing such images less than a week after a deadly attack on its headquarters.
Previously, the United States has criticized depictions of the Muslim prophet while defending free speech rights.
In 2006, the Bush administration described such cartoons in a Danish newspaper as “offensive,” likening them to anti-Semitic and anti-Christian imagery. In 2012, the Obama administration questioned the judgment of Charlie Hebdo for similar depictions and said they could be “inflammatory.”
On Tuesday, the State Department refused to criticize new Charlie Hebdo cartoons released this week or say if the U.S. considered them anti-Muslim. The White House was similarly restrained Monday.
“Regardless of what anyone’s personal opinion is, and I know there are very heated personal opinions about this, we absolutely support the right of Charlie Hebdo to publish things like this,” State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters. “That’s what happens in a democracy. Period.”
How are they not anti-Moslem? Their entire purpose was to be anti-Moslem. The liberal establishment is really shooting themselves in the foot with this one. Either Islam is the best thing ever and we need to embrace it in our countries, or we are all Charlie. Both things cannot possibly be true at the same time, and the suggestion that they are is simply insane.

I do not think we are going to see Obama himself coming out and defending these cartoons.
Funny to remember how pro-Islam Bush was. Remember when he kept calling it a “religion of peace”?
I guess he had to do that since he launched a bunch of massive wars on them though.