Moslem Set to be Next Mayor of London

The New Observer
May 2, 2016

Britain’s capital city of London is set to elect a Muslim Pakistani-origin mayor this week, making it the first such formerly European city to officially fall before the nonwhite invasion of Europe, started more than five decades ago.

Sadiq Khan, standing for the Labour Party, is far and away the strong favorite to win London’s mayoral election on Thursday, despite a racially-charged campaign and allegations from his Conservative opponent that he is linked to Muslim extremists.

Sadiq Khan MP at Westminster, London, Britain  - 11 Oct 2012


Earlier, Khan had announced that there were “too many white men” working in the London government, and that if elected, he would “rectify” this “problem.”

Khan is set to win the election not because he is the better candidate, but because the city is now majority nonwhite, perhaps the largest metropolis in Europe to have been completely overrun by Third World immigration.

As a result, the Conservative Party candidate—Zac Goldsmith, a Jewish-origin Member of Parliament, married to a member of the Rothschild family—trails Kahn by more than 20 points in all opinion polls.

As a Reuters article understated the situation: “London’s population of 8.6 million is among the most diverse in the world and it is rare for identity politics to enter British campaigning.”

This “identity politics,” as Reuters calls it, is of course nonwhites block voting for the nonwhite candidate, and London’s Jewish population voting for the Jewish candidate. The ethnic British voters in the capital—now an absolute minority—appear to be favoring Goldsmith, but this is unlikely to affect the race’s outcome.

Goldsmith, with the support of Prime Minister David Cameron, has for weeks focused on Khan’s past appearances alongside radical Muslim speakers, accusing him of giving “platform, oxygen, and cover” to extremists.

Khan was briefly forced on the defensive over the issue, and said that he regretted sharing a stage with speakers who held “abhorrent” views.

In turn, Khan has accused Goldsmith of “using Donald Trump-style tactics to divide Londoners along faith lines.”

Khan has also admitted that the recent “uproar” over “anti-Semitism” in the Labour Party had hurt his chances with Jewish voters.

“I accept that the comments that Ken Livingstone has made makes it more difficult for Londoners of Jewish faith to feel that the Labour Party is a place for them, and so I will carry on doing what I have always been doing, which is to speak for everyone,” he told the media.

The real importance of Khan’s expected election victory is however that the predictable end-result of the policy of mass Third World immigration—pursued by successive Conservative and Labour Party governments—has now come to pass.

It is conclusive evidence—if any more was needed—that legal immigration is a larger threat than illegal immigration, and any nation which does not take immediate steps to ensure its racial homogeneity, will suffer London’s fate.