Rufus Deira
News From Atlantis
January 8, 2015
In what can only be described as an Act Of War, moslem soldiers have massacred ten civilians in Paris. The ten innocent ordinary people – people just like you and I – were going about their daily business in Paris, when moslem soldiers burst into their place of work (the magazine, Charlie Hebdo) and shot them to death. The soldiers have left the scene of the massacre to regroup and prepare for the next attack on the people of Europe. The French police – who are very quick to arrest people if they dare to look at moslems in anyway but a favourable one – failed to notice the enemy combatants as they crossed Paris (in spite of the almost total CCTV coverage of the capital city).
The people who were murdered in broad daylight – our people, people just like us – were murdered because, just as we do, they cherished Freedom. The excuse used by the moslem immigrant invaders is that they ‘offended’ islam by being a part of a team which published cartoons exposing the evil, violent, murderous, hypocritical and criminally insane ideology of islam. For telling the Truth they have been murdered; proving by this action that they were right in everything they said.
Moslem apologists are already defecating the usual lie that the ‘terrorists’ ordinary moslems are not representative of insane cult of misogyny, rape, terror and unspeakable brutality – but of course they are, as are those who are even now celebrating across Europe in support of the murderers. Here in colonised Yorkshire there are already fireworks going off and pakis tanis driving around waving flags (although the police aren’t doing anything about this display of racist superstitious supemacist hatred).
Moslem immigrants – many of whom come to Europe claiming asylum because of their behaviour in their own countries – have turned our homeland into a drug-filled war zone, where children cannot play out for fear of being groomed raped, women cannot walk the streets for fear of being abused and raped and even men have to go out in groups for fear of being attacked by marauding gangs of moslems who despise us and seek to turn our homeland into an open sewer like the ones they crawled out of.
Sweden has gone from the safest nation in Europe to the rape capital, thanks to liberal politicians and their pet moslem immigrants. England has recently become the focus of attention for the fact that moslems can (and do) rape children at will, destroying lives and breeding mongrel bastards who will go on to increase the ranks of the invaders – but although England is the focus, all of Europe is seeing our children raped by these immigrant colonisers. Our streets are awash with heroin brought in by the moslem scum. Our culture is being criminalised and wiped out. Now – just as the people of Serbia warned when they attempted to save their nation from the moslem filth in Kosovo and Bosnia – our people are being murdered in the streets.
From individuals hacked to death with machetes to people blown up by bombs, to people shot by armed soldiers or ran down in cars by scum shouting something about Alan Carr’s Snackbar, our people are being raped, forced into sex-slavery, beaten, pushed into drug addiction and murdered. All this with the blessing of the liberal Establishment who brought the parasites here to begin with, and are even now destroying our countryside to house and build mosques terrorist training centres for more of the immigrant scum. Not even our animals are safe, as the nature-hating enemy murder dogs in the streets, steal people’s pets to sell as food in their rancid kebab shops, and of course brutally torture animals in their sick disgusting halal trade – which is now imposed upon all our school children, people in hospital etc under the outrageous drivel that because we don’t have superstitious dietary demands, we have to eat their fæces and do without good wholesome food and our natural desire to be kind to animals.
We are in a state of War; not only with the foreign enemy, but with the liberal vermin who support them. Act accordingly. Defend Your Nation. Defend Your Families.