Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2014

A disgusting Moslem wench is getting the support of Jews as she takes her whining to the Supreme Court because her widdle feewings was hurt by the mean old Whitey.
The US Supreme Court will hear a dispute this term over Abercrombie & Fitch’s decision not to hire a 17-year-old Muslim girl who wore a headscarf and would have violated the store’s notorious “Look Policy.”
The justices agreed to hear the case of Samantha Elauf back in October, and in recent days “friend of the court” briefs supporting her have flooded in from the ACLU, several states, and the American Jewish Committee, as well as gay rights and religious liberty groups.
Elauf, who’s now a fashion blogger in her 20s, applied for a job as an Abercrombie “model” in Tulsa, Oklahoma back when she was 17, according to a legal document filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which brought the case on her behalf.
At Abercrombie, “models” are sales associates who are expected to model the store’s style in compliance with its “Look Policy.”
An Abercrombie assistant manager considered Elauf a “good candidate” but wasn’t sure if her headscarf violated Abercrombie’s “Look Policy,” according to the EEOC brief. That assistant manager consulted a manager, explaining that she thought Elauf wore the scarf for religious reasons. The manager said the headscarf wasn’t permitted, even if Elauf did wear it because she was a Muslim, according to the EEOC.
Elauf didn’t get the job, and the EEOC brought its case against the preppy retail giant.
The main issue here is whether Abercrombie violated a federal law that says companies can’t refuse to hire people simply because of how they practice their religion — unless employers can show they’re simply not able to accommodate those practices.
Abercrombie says it didn’t violate that law because it never got “direct, explicit notice” from Elauf that her religious practice conflicted with Abercrombie’s “Look Policy.”
“[A]n applicant or employee cannot remain silent before the em ployer regarding the religious nature of his or her conflicting practice and need for an accommodation and still hope to prevail in a religion-accommodation case,” Abercrombie noted in a brief it filed in the case.
Abercrombie also had a policy against hiring ugly bitches. The CEO has said he doesn’t want fat or ugly people buying their clothes. There is nothing uglier than an Arab woman – and they also stink rotten foot-juice and camel urine! The women have hairy backs!
Why should our government be wasting money on this ugly dumb bitch’s feelings? Better question – why is this dumb ugly bitch in our country at all? Purely to make demands of us? Surely, she is not contributing anything at all – no Arab has ever contributed anything to anyone.
Here are some pictures of the bitch:
This is the definition of a parasite – she comes here to feed off us, only. She doesn’t integrate with the culture. She dresses up in her sickening costumes and hangs out with only Arabs. Why not stay in your own country, wench? Oh yeah, I forgot, whatever country you came from is a disgusting hell-hole because filthy Arabs have IQs in the 80s-zone, are surpassed in stupidity only by full-on Negroes.
If anyone has an active Twitter account, I’d advise you to go on there and be like “bitch why are you in my country?????”
Photoshopping pictures of her should also be done.
I am so sick of these people. It might seem nasty – and really, it is nasty – but we should be doing everything we can to make them feel unwanted, and I believe this should include breaking down individuals emotionally, making them feel like they have no value as human beings.
It sounds rough. I feel a bit rough having just typed it out like that. But this is a war, plain and simple, and we must use whatever means necessary to win it. Making individual immigrants feel as though they are in a hostile environment filled with people who hate them is just something that needs to be done.
So, if you send any funny Tweets to this bitch Samantha Elauf, send me screens and I’ll post them. Maybe if I get some energy I’ll go troll her myself.