Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 10, 2015

Hundreds of towelheaded pigs in Sweden have take to social media to hail the attacks in Paris, with many of them declaring “Islam will dominate the world,” which is one of the favorite slogans of Moslems in Europe.
Swedish Television has been given access to a Facebook group with several hundred members which is rejoicing in the terrorist attack. In the Facebook group, which is a closed group, performed tributes to the terrorists who murdered 12 people in Paris today.
“Ask Allah to multiply such attacks and bless brothers and sisters involved in such things,” writes one person in the group.
Also on Fria Tider’s Facebook page, during the afternoon and evening, several Muslims expressed their delight at the macabre scenes in Paris. One of them writes that he longs for a genocide of Swedes.
“I hope they come to Sweden and execute half the population,” he writes, among other things, in one of his comments as “gillats” with four other Muslims.
The comments have now been removed from the Fria Tider’s Facebook page. The Security Service was informed of the comments that contain encouragement to violent crime.