Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 2, 2016

Everywhere Moslems are, they organize against the native population. The really powerful thing about Islam is that it brings together all of the different non-White parasites in Europe under a single banner.
Whoever would have thought that Islam would ever be poised to take-over Ireland?
A new Muslim group has come together in Dublin with the aim of encouraging political participation among Ireland’s Muslim citizens.
In anticipation of the Irish general election in early 2016, the South Dublin Muslim Board was established to encourage the Muslim community to engage with politics, with politicians, and with the issues that affect them. Canvassing is set to begin in the New Year.
Each candidate will have an opportunity to make a presentation followed by questions from the audience. The Irish Times reports that employment and education will be high on the agenda for the Muslim Board.
Currently, there are two Muslim schools in the Republic of Ireland. There is no high school. In recent years, problems have also arisen with the admission of Muslim children to Catholic schools. In certain schools, Muslim children were placed seventh in terms of eligibility for admission, causing concerns for Muslim parents in finding a school for their children. The first state-funded primary school for Muslim children in Ireland was founded by the Islamic Foundation of Ireland in 1990.
Board member Dr Ali Selim from the Islamic Cultural Centre in Clonskeagh, Co. Dublin, told the Irish Times that the formation of the board and its first meeting will allow Muslims voting in South Dublin to make a decision based on which candidate will best serve Muslim interests.
Yes. They are organizing to vote on who will best serve their collective racial interests.
But don’t be alarmed, it’s perfectly innocent – they just want more free things, not total dominance over you.
Although the Board will not tell people who to vote for, he continued to say that it had been formed because of the upcoming election and that Muslims integrated into Irish society would be encouraged to play a more active role.
The Board hopes that it will lead to the creation of further Muslim boards in Dublin and throughout Ireland, encouraging Muslims to be active Irish citizens.
The group is made up of Muslims of many nationalities now living in Ireland. Members come from places such as Egypt, Pakistan, Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, and Somalia.
That is three semi-distinct racial groups coming together in an assault on the native population.
Be very wary, my Irish friends.