Moslems Release Video Explaining How to Stab a Jew

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2014

The Moslems have released a hilarious training video on how to stab a Jew.  I am posting it here for educational and entertainment purposes only, not because I encourage Jew-stabbing (or “kike-knifing” as it is often called, hilariously).

I am not even totally clear that this is a Jew that is being stabbed in the training video, as it in fact looks to be another Moslem (they enjoy stabbing one another as well as Jews), but the whinging Jew media is claiming it is a Jew-stabbing video.

Jewish Press:

The “resisters of occupation in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem” are spreading on Arab social media a frightening video demonstrating tactics on how to stab a Jew to death quickly and efficiently.

The 1-minute and 13-second video, as seen below, shows the “teacher” calmly walking up to a “victim,” stabbing him, and walking away.

One of the tactics appears to imitate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) method of beheading.

The guide to killing Jews teaches that after stabbing the victim, the knife should be twisted to maximize wounds and cause death.

The Palestinian Authority and anti-Israel Arabs in Jerusalem do not need terrorist cells when “resisters” use social media to reach hundreds of thousands of Arabs in Jerusalem as well as in Judea, Gaza and Samaria, with a single simple post.

Israel needs to find the source of whoever posted this video and arrest him or them.

All of Israel is paying a heavy price, the price of life, for a decade of conducting “negotiations” with the Palestinian Authority while it has incited an entire generation to hate Jews and then murder them.

Sorry, Jew – my bucket’s got a hole in it, can’t hold your tears. Maybe you should have went to Russia instead of stealing all these violent brown people’s homes from them, huh? Hardly fair to whine about it like little bitches when they release videos about stabbing you.