Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 13, 2015

Following the attacks, the brave Marxist faggots at Charlie Hebdo have decided to put Mohammed back on the cover of their magazine.
Seriously, even though I think the magazine was faggy and dumb, you kinda gotta give it to these guys. Most of their core staff got shot or shot to death, the fact that they are putting out an issue this week at all is impressive. I myself am a journalist who receives constant death threats, so I can’t help but hold respect for their actions, if not their political views.
Anyway – of course, Moslems are vowing to finish them off.
On Facebook, the site Complex linked an article about the defiant cartoonists, and through the comments, we can see a slice of how Moslems look at this decision.

The opinion appears to be universally held by Moslems that Charlie deserved the attack. And as far as I am able to tell, they in fact can’t even be Moslems if they don’t believe they deserved it.
This needs to be made clearer than any other point. People complain about my own focus on the Islamic religion, but what is the Islamic religion if not an expression of the genes of these people? By attacking their religion, rather than their race, we have much wider appeal – and their religion is so very easy to attack, because their book, the Koran, is public and the actions of their Prophet are a matter of historical record.
Thus, by making it clear that this ideology is incompatible with Western civilizaiton, we our pushing our agenda forward in a way that simply talking about race all the time couldn’t possibly accomplish.
Bottom Line
Why is it that we don’t want these people in our countries? If they really were capable of adapting and behaving exactly like us, what complaints would we have, really? Their looks? Does that really matter to anyone?
Our goal is to maintain White Western heritage, to maintain our civilization and our way of life, and the non-White hordes make this impossible because of their behavior. The mainstream presently have difficulty accepting that their behavior is a result of their genetics, even though this is obvious, due to brainwashing. So then, why not focus on the behavior?
The theory being forwarded by the mutlicult is that at some point in the unknown future they are all going to adapt. They have absolutely no evidence to support this theory, given that it has never happened ever in history and there is zero evidence that it is happening now.
Our message right now needs to be that it is us or them. Because no matter the level of brainwashing, this reality is understood on a basic, primal level. Apparently, the antifa hordes and anti-protest protesters in Germany either just haven’t looked around them yet, or are in fact active supporters of being conquered by Islam.
On that last point – we should not dismiss that large numbers of people are in fact subconsciously keen to being conquered and converted to Islam. Women are the group most supportive of these hordes, even though they must technically be aware of what is going to happen to them when the hammer comes down and Europe goes Moslem. I believe they want men to retake control of them – this is what feminism always is, a cry for discipline – and they view White men as so weak as to be incapable of reasserting control.

With the male Antifa faggots, it is probably also that they desire some sort of authoritarian system and that is why they are acting up.
What we need to do now is simply make all of this public, have a debate. It is no longer some wacky conspiracy theory, it is just and obvious fact: we have a choice to make.