Moslems String-Up Dog on School Railings in Bizarre Anti-Homo Protest

Daily Mail
May 12, 2015

Headteacher of Anderton Park School in Birmingham Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson has recieved death-threats from the Moslems and now they have strung a dead a dog up on the school railings.

The scene which greeted staff arriving at Anderton Park School in Birmingham before morning assembly was chilling.

A dead dog had been left outside — not just left but, with medieval brutality, strung up on the railings at the entrance and displayed like something you might see in a horror film.

We now know it was not simply a random act of sadistic animal cruelty; Anderton, whose catchment area covers Sparkhill, a predominantly Muslim neighbourhood, was chosen deliberately.

The school had received an anonymous call the previous day warning headteacher Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson about what was going to happen.

The motive?

It was spelt out in a death threat sent to her on social media at around the same time, in which someone had written: ‘Any headteacher who teaches my children it’s alright to be gay will be at the end of my shotgun.’

Of 700 pupils at Anderton, 99.8 per cent are from minority ethnic backgrounds, the majority of them Muslim. Many believe there is little doubt where the threat originated from.

Monzoor ‘Mozz’ Hussain was headteacher of Park View before being suspended after preparing the Moslets for jihad.

Meanwhile, a petition organised by hardline Muslims, objecting to a new anti-homophobic bullying programme at Anderton, has been circulating outside the school.

The vendetta against Mrs Hewitt-Clarkson has been going on for at least two months, the period in which these sinister incidents occurred.

Details only emerged last weekend when Mrs Hewitt-Clarkson, 44, addressed the annual conference of the National Association of Headteachers in Liverpool.

Yes, these guys again.

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