Daily Stormer
May 18, 2015

Here at the Daily Stormer we have been closely covering the story of a mother who is attempting to protect her son from having his penis mutilated by his father.
The parents are separated. According to a parenting agreement that the mother signed, the boy was to be circumcised as an infant. The father failed to do it, and then came back when the boy was already a toddler, and demanded the mother had him over to have his penis mutilated. The mother had by then changed her mind, but the father pressed the issue and got an apparently Jewish judge to rule that a third of the boy’s penis skin shall be forcibly removed in a sick Jew ritual.
The mother is now in jail for having attempted to protect the boy.
Heather Hironimus’ attorney filed an emergency motion for a restraining order on behalf of her son against the child’s father on Friday. Hironimus had previously been eluding her arrest by staying at a domestic violence shelter for women with her son, 4 1/2. She was arrested on Thursday and booked into the Broward County Jail.
An emergency hearing to address the motion is scheduled on Monday in federal court.
In the court filing, Hironimus’ lawyer Thomas Hunker said she presumes her son is with his father, Dennis Nebus. Hironimus filed a lawsuit in April against Nebus, stating that the circumcision of their son would be violation of their son’s constitutional rights.
In the motion filed Friday, Hunker argued if Nebus circumcised the boy before the federal lawsuit ran its course, it would make the lawsuit meaningless.
“The circumcision will permanently and irreversibly mutilate his genitals and the federal lawsuit will be rendered moot,” the motion states.
The boy, Chase, is opposed to the mutilation, and the idea that a judge can forcibly rule that a boy be physically mutilated against his will is sick and bizarre, taking the hell that we inhabit in the Jewnited Snakes of Jewmerica to a whole new level.
Feminists are notably silent on the issue, refusing to rally around this woman who is doing the only job she actually should be doing which is protecting her child. This proves that feminists hate the concept of motherhood and take joy in the idea of young boys being sexually mutilated.