Mother Nature is a brutal anti-Semite and she wants the world to know it.
For a start, she makes the average Jew look like the bastard offspring of Grandmaster Splinter and a female tapir, guaranteeing that even the most primitive-looking Australian Aborigine will recoil with disgust upon seeing them.
Next, she denies Jews the capacity for self-reflection, ensuring that their ridiculous actions – such as whining about events that were real in their hippocampuses – render satire obsolete.
Lastly, she lashes out at Jews on a monthly basis, using every element at her disposal to extract a satisfying “OY VEY” from the collective Jewish soul.
This month, however, Mother Nature outdid herself: she Holocausted the second biggest Jewish cemetery in Poland!
A recent storm in Poland led to the destruction of many of the graves in the Great Jewish Cemetery of Warsaw.
A visitor told the haredi newspaper Hamevasser, “This scene is terrible. Thousands of Jewish graves, including those of rabbis and dignitaries, are buried under hundreds of trees which collapsed on them. And nobody is doing anything about it.”
“The Jewish community in Warsaw must, first of all, deal with this emergency, clearing the trees that collapsed on the graves, before it is too late. [This must be done] so that [the graves of] the sacred are not lost.”
The cemetery is the second largest Jewish cemetery in Poland and one of the largest in the world. The cemetery covers an area of 336 dunams (83 acres) and houses more than 200,000 marked graves, as well as the mass graves of those murdered in the Warsaw ghetto.
I’ve kept track of Mother Nature’s anti-Semitic antics for over five years now, and I know her Good Work when I see it. Anne frankly, this is one of her boldest attacks yet.
I mean, hundreds of trees crushing the graves of rabbis?
It’s almost like she wants the kikes to know that she approves of the Final Solution.