Mother of White Murder Victim Hopes for Justice at Last as Black Suspect is Re-Arrested

November 24, 2014

Sandra Clark Hobbs was murdered in 2002.

The mother of a 2002 murder victim hopes 15-year-old Dominique Allen’s family gets justice now that an arrest has been made in the case.

William Gholston Sr. was found not guilty by a jury in the murder of Sandra Clark-Hobbs more than a decade ago. Now, he’s in police custody, facing a murder charge in Allen’s death.

A photo, a small newspaper clipping and a few flyers are all Mary Lou Clark has left of her devoted daughter.

“She was half of me and it’s hard…it’s hard when she is not here,” Clark said.

It’s been 12 years since the 39-year-old Clark-Hobbs was brutally murdered on the city’s south side.

“Every bone in her face was broke. They tied a shoestring around her throat and it almost cut her head off,” Clark said.

For 12 years, Mary has asked why. But what’s more troubling is how the man arrested and tried for her daughter’s death walked free.

“Nothing happened to him. Nothing!” Clark said.

William Gholston will now stand trial for the killing a second time, after escaping justice the first time round.

“Who are you talking about?” asked Eyewitness News reporter Sandra Chapman.

“Well, we had William Gholston,” she replied. “I say he ought to be locked up and never let out.”

Clark feels the pain of injustice.

“That day my thoughts were, ‘If I could find them, I would kill them. But I didn’t go looking. I sat at home and cried,” Clark said.

Mary Lou says over the years, she has seen Gholston once in a store parking lot.

“I said, ‘You know what you did to her, don’t you?'” Clark said. “He told me, he said, ‘Ms. Clark, I did not kill Sandra.”

Those are words Mary Lou Clark didn’t believe then – or now.