Mothers of Trayvon and Michael Brown to Speak at DNC

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 23, 2016

Michael Brown’s mom on the left, Trayvon’s mom on the right, fathers in the back. I actually always thought they had the same father, but I guess they’re identical twins.

Well, the RNC is over.

But there is another NC.

The DNC.

And the DNC is going to have a special day devoted to children and families.

From the official schedule:

Tuesday: A Lifetime Of Fighting For Children And Families

Featuring President Bill Clinton and Mothers of the Movement

Gavel time expected at 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday will feature the roll call vote and how Hillary Clinton has spent her entire career working to make a difference for children, families and our country. The Mothers of the Movement participating include Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, mother of Dontré Hamilton; Lucia McBath, mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, mother of Hadiya Pendleton; Geneva Reed-Veal, mother of Sandra Bland.

Both Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown were killed defensively during attempted murders.

Our justice system determined that Trayvon was trying to kill George Zimmerman and Michael Brown was trying to kill Officer Darren Wilson.

Trayvon-Martin-17 michael-brown-lewd-gesture-un-dismisses-case

So what is the statement being made by inviting these women to celebrate their sons at this convention?

Is the message that attempting to murder police officers and neighborhood watchmen is a good thing? Or is the message that we need to change our justice system so that Whites are punished for defending themselves against Black attackers?

Objectively, it has to be one or the other message. There is nothing else that could be communicated by this.

Unless they are going to be giving speeches about the mistakes they made raising their sons, which resulted in them becoming violent criminals.

And I don’t think that is what they are going to be speaking about.

It’s just – this stuff never stops being shocking, really.

Basically, this would be like if Trump had invited the mother of Dylann Roof to speak at the RNC.