Mueller’s Top Kike Exposed as Diabolical Mastermind

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2018

Who’d have guessed this ratfaced gentleman was up to no good? 

Oh jeez.

A corrupt Jew lawyer on the Mueller team.

Bad optics.

But people need to understand that Jews only engage in borderline illegal scams for the same reason that they rape kids: because of the Holocaust.


Andrew Weissmann’s aggressive practices have earned him the nickname of Robert Mueller’s pit bull. He’s been accused of concealing evidence in previous cases, “corrupt legal practices” and supporting Hillary Clinton.

The latest twist in the rapidly-unraveling Russian collusion probe was broken by award-winning war correspondent and Fox News contributor Sara Carter on Friday. She investigated Weissmann, who the New York Times gleefully dubbed as Mueller’s “legal pit bull” in a gushing interview last October. Politico magazine included him in their 2017 power list, noting his “aggressiveness” has drawn criticism.

According to the documents obtained by Carter, Weismann was reprimanded by Judge Charles Sifton for hiding the fact that a key witness in a 1997 Mafia prosecution was in fact an FBI snitch.

Sifton called Weissmann’s conduct in the prosecution of Colombo crime syndicate boss Carmine Persico Jr. “myopic withholding of information” and “reprehensible and subject, perhaps, to appropriate disciplinary measures.” The witness in question, Gregory Scarpa Sr., was known in mob circles as the ‘grim reaper’ for his alleged involvement in more than 100 brutal murders.

Carter also spoke to criminal defense attorney David Schoen, who reported Weissmann and was interviewed by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and several FBI officials about him in 2015 and talked about his ‘egregious’ actions.

“The FBI had to redo their whole guidelines on the use of informants over this,” Schoen said. “Weissmann and crew did not just withhold evidence. They actively allowed a mafia killer to remain on the street killing.”

Yeah that shit was nuts.

They knew this guy was out there killing people and they just let him do it because he was informing.

Hilarious that this Jew was behind it.

Just a side note here: The FBI claims that they have changed their policies on allowing informants to murder people, but they most likely haven't actually done that. Or rather, they have changed the loophole they were using, and moved to a new loophole. Never trust anyone who appears to be committing crimes with impunity.


Like virtually all other Jews, he was also a Hillary supporter.

Weissmann’s political impartiality was called into doubt when it emerged he had attended Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election-night party in New York and gave $2,300 to Barack Obama’s 2008 election campaign. Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Florida), a leading opponent of the Mueller investigation, told Fox News in December that Trump was “being persecuted by Hillary Clinton’s fan club.”

This is a guy that was handpicked by Mueller to play a lead role in the conspiracy to hoax a conspiracy.

Mueller has assembled a team of villains, hasn’t he?

His probe is like the IRL Legion of Doom.

That tells you how corrupt this whole thing is. If it was just a little bit corrupt, he could have used normal people.

We need a second special counsel to investigate the existing special counsel.

I think that is coming.

Trump is going for the slow burn.