Mugabe Uses UN Platform to Bash Fags, Blames Intervention for Migrant Crisis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2015

He might be the dumbest guy in the room, but he's also the only one willing to tell the truth.
He might be the dumbest guy in the room, but he’s also the only one willing to tell the truth.

I am not a fan of the White-hating terrorist warlord Robert Mugabe.

But using the UN General Assembly to troll faggots is a really funny thing to do.

Credit where it’s due is always my policy, and Mugabe kicked out the lols.

News 24:

Addressing what he called the “new” human rights agenda being pushed by the West and referring specifically to the issue of homosexuality, Mugabe, who is also the current African Union (AU) chair, said: “We reject attempts to prescribe new rights that are contrary to our values, norms, traditions and beliefs. We are not gays”.

Homosexuality is illegal in Zimbabwe and Mugabe, 91, has in previous years made headlines after he told gay people to go to “hell”. He also stated that those of homosexual orientation were lower than “pigs, goats and birds”.

Mugabe told the summit that the upholding of human rights was an obligation of all states, but castigated the West for giving themselves more power over other countries.

… We reject the politicisation of this important issue and the application of double standards to victimise those who dare think and act independently of the self-appointed prefects of our time,” Mugabe said.

That’s actually pretty well articulated.

The Orban-coined term “moral imperialism” applies here.

I mean, who do these people think they are, going some backward African hellhole and encouraging children to have anal sex with men?

The veteran leader indicated that the West’s interference into the domestic affairs of independent nations had triggered the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, according to reports.

Wow, right on that too.

I would support making this guy the new editor of the National Review Online.

Jewish Kikeservative Elliot Abrams wrote in NRO on March 10, 2011:

The president of the United States should not make vain boasts and empty statements. As the president has said Qaddafi must go, we (the United States, not just the president) will look weak and foolish if he stays on and wins his war. Qaddafi can’t be permitted to defeat the United States.

He, I guess, missed this thing Gaddaffi had said three days earlier:


You know, either that, or Jews like Elliot Abrams and other Kikeservatives who run the NRO and the US government literally created this massive migration crisis on purpose by collapsing the government of Colonel Gaddaffi for no clear reason.

Jewish Kike Elliot Abrams openly refuses to trim his eyebrows as he enjoys the fact that they make him look like an evil wizard.
Jewish Kike Elliot Abrams openly refuses to trim his eyebrows as he enjoys the fact that they make him look like an evil wizard.

Either way, it is extremely embarrassing to have a 82 IQ Negro speaking at the UN and making more sense than all of the Western leaders combined.

Mugabe has also repeatedly attacked Jews, but then halfway through his attacks he gets confused and starts calling them White people.

But you can’t hardly blame a Black guy for being stupid.