Mulatto Found Guilty of Beating Elderly White Couple Then Raping and Murdering the Woman

Tulsa World
May 25, 2014

Bob and Nancy Strait were both viciously attacked when Black burglars broke into their home in Tulsa. Mrs Strait was raped and died of her injuries, her husband was shot in the face and died two months later.

A man was found guilty of first-degree murder, rape, robbery and other charges late Friday in connection with the fatal assault on an elderly Tulsa woman and the beating of her husband during a home invasion.

A Tulsa County jury recommended a life sentence for Tyrone Dale David Woodfork on the first-degree murder charge and returned to the courtroom for a sentencing phase for the other convictions.

Woodfork was also found guilty of two counts of first-degree rape, two counts of robbery, and single counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and burglary in connection with the home-invasion robbery and attacks on 84-year-old Nancy Strait and her 89-year-old husband, Bob Strait, on March 14, 2012.

Jurors began deliberating around 6:45 p.m. in District Judge William Kellough’s court.

Woodfork did not testify during the one-week trial. However, some often high-volume video recordings of his sometimes animated exchanges with questioning police officers were played in court Friday.

Prosecutors Erik Grayless and Amanda Self maintain that Woodfork, now 22, entered the Straits’ home in the 3300 block of East Virgin Street by kicking open a door.

Tyrone Woodfork was found guilty of the attacks on 84-year-old Nancy Strait and 89-year-old Bob Strait.

Nancy Strait died the day after being attacked. A medical examiner listed her probable cause of death as complications of blunt head trauma.

Bob Strait was also beaten and died May 4, 2012. A medical examiner reported that he “had many severe underlying medical conditions,” with the most likely cause of his death attributable to disease, and no homicide charge was filed regarding his death.

When questioned on March 15, 2012, Woodfork said he hit Nancy Strait after she had kicked him.

He denied the sexual-assault allegations.

Woodfork’s attorney, David Phillips, said evidence provided by Bob Strait showed that more than one person had entered the home, but Woodfork maintained during the March 2012 questioning that nobody entered the residence with him.

Woodfork said he shot Bob Strait in the face with a BB gun that he found in the Straits’ home.