The New Observer
January 2, 2016
Police in Bavaria are searching for seven Iraqi refugee-terrorists this morning after a massive security presence closed down two railway stations in Munich, including the Hauptbahnhof—the same place where, earlier this year, delirious liberals welcomed the “refugees” with flowers and food.
Just before midnight on New Year’s Eve, heavily armed police blocked off the Pasing and main railway stations in the Bavarian capital, acting on intelligence that seven Iraqis—supposed “refugees” who were already “residents” of the city—were going to carry out a series of suicide attacks.
German police said the names of the seven nonwhites were known to them—apparently having been registered at an invader “reception center” earlier this year.
In a telling insight into the naiveté of the liberal mindset which encouraged and welcomed the nonwhite invasion of Germany, police said that the names which the seven invaders had provided were “all almost the same” and that they were currently “consulting with Arabic experts” to try and determine if the details were possibly false—as if they could be anything else.
The refugee-terrorist plan was to go in small groups to the railway stations, mingle with New Year revelers, and then detonate explosive suicide vests.
The intelligence reports claimed that the attacks had been planned by ISIS along the lines of the attacks in Paris—also carried out by refugee-terrorists allowed into Europe through the “open doors” immigration policies of the liberal ruling elite.
Police said that the intelligence indicated that the attack was set to take place just after midnight, but the heavy police deployment could have prevented the perpetrators from carrying out the plan.
They warned however, that the danger still had not passed, because the refugee-terrorists for whom they were looking, were still not apprehended and could easily strike at any time.
The ease with which the Paris refugee-terrorists could move around Europe—and mingle with already established nonwhite invaders living in various European cities—underlines once again the full extent of the racial treason which the Angela Merkel-political types have inflicted upon Europe.
The race-blind immigration policies, fueled by decades of patently false “racial equality” propaganda, has created a large number of European liberals who genuinely believe that there is no link between race and civilization, or between innate ability and achievement.
From that belief system, it is an easy step to think that it doesn’t matter who they allow into Europe—because if all people are the same, then anyone can be a “German” or a “Frenchman” even if they originate in sub-Saharan Africa or the Middle East.
As the Munich terror alert shows, these liberals are going to learn the truth the hard way.