Muslim Convert Goes on Knife Rampage Through Busy London Street

Daily Mail
November 11, 2013

A typical Knife wielding Muslim convert.
A typical Knife wielding Muslim knife-wielder.

A Muslim convert was heard chanting that he wanted to kill non-Muslims hours before going on a knife rampage and trying to kill a police officer and firefighters.

The man was tasered multiple times and arrested on suspicion of trying to kill a police officer after launching his attack in broad daylight on a busy London street.

Police were called around midday when the knifeman armed with four blades attempted to smash his way into a neighbours’ property with an iron bar.

Hours earlier the man had been seen reciting verses from the Koran and making threats ‘to kill Kuffars’.

Firefighters based at the nearby fire station in Battersea, South London confronted the 26-year-old on seeing him throw bottles at neighbours and threatening passers-by with kitchen knives.

But the suspect went berserk chasing the fire officers back to the fire station, where he attempted to batter down the doors.

Allah Akhbar!
Allah Kak-Bar

Within minutes, more than 20 police officers had arrived at the scene blocking off the road as the suspect sprinted up and down smashing police car windows and screaming abuse.

Terrified onlookers cowered in local shops as police tried to contain the armed suspect using a Taser.

Servet Kaplan, 22, a store manager at Battersea Food & Wine, said ‘People were trying to get into my store.

‘There were so many they wouldn’t fit through the door.

‘I saw the police Taser the man and it didn’t affect him at all, he just carried on running.’

After 20 minutes, officers managed to overpower the man who continued to lash out injuring one officer who received minor cuts to his hands.

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