Daily Stormer
September 6, 2014

The Muslim patrol, which has been going down in Britain for quite a while now, has made its way to Germany where Salafist Muslims are trying to shut down White society and recruit the youth for their conquest agenda.
They are wearing orange vests with the words “Shariah Police” on the back, even though they are not actually police. They are enforcing a foreign legal system upon the people because trying to stop them would be racist and evil. It is simply a part of their colorful culture – to force society to bend to their will.
German police are claiming that they’ve filed charges against them, but they are still out on the streets, attempting to shut down our systems from within our base.
Meanwhile, a YouTube propaganda video from the German Salafist scene was posted online showing a poster with the English headline “Shariah Controlled Zone”, followed by images of Salafists recruiting young people and visiting gambling halls. “The video is a new provocation and part of the Salafist propaganda, which shows that the scene does not acknowledge Germany’s rule of law,” Joerg Rademacher, spokesman for the state’s interior ministry said. Officials in Northrhein-Westphalia say that the Salafist scene in Germany’s most populated state consists of approximately 1,800 members alone, of which 10 percent are considered to be violent extremists.
“An appearance that intimidates, unsettles and provokes will not be tolerated. There is no legitimation for this “Shariah Police”,” Birgitta Radermacher, police chief of Wuppertal was quoted as saying in a statement.
Germany is not as soft as Britain, so who knows, maybe they are serious about shutting these bastards down. If they are wearing orange reflective vests though, they shouldn’t be too hard to locate.

Here’s their propaganda film.
Why were these people allowed inside of our base in the first place?